What is Social Networking?

Computers & TechnologyBlogging / Forums

  • Author Carol Claassen
  • Published March 22, 2009
  • Word count 1,080

Did you see the movie, "Patch Adams" staring Robin Williams? When I saw it in the movie theatre, it was packed. Strangers connected – people who didn’t know each other were sharing an experience together. An emotional connection, sadness, tears, laughter… you know, the kind where when the punch line comes, you glance over at a complete stranger and enjoy a simultaneous great open-mouth belly laugh together. Inspiration opens your heart.

It is rare that a movie is voted as a poor movie by the critics and the masses flock to it and then enthusiastically clap at the end of the movie.

This is my interpretation of the amazing Social Networking Audience Appearing in the World Theatre! Because: Social Networking Communities are predominantly filled with Positive Thinking People - ready to be inspired.

"The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration." Pearl S. Buck

So now that you are not sailing alone in that boat on the ocean anymore, I want to invite you to our exquisite Luxury Cruiseliner where I have a package for you. In this neat little box tied with green ribbon, you will find "your starter Kit for Social Networking". This will include basic information, tips and probably an opinion or two from me, plus some resources for you that I have gathered during my "travels around the world in social networking countries".

Social Networking has. It is referred to as as Web2.0, Social Marketing, Video Marketing, Virtual Communities, Networking Sites etc. BUT, Don’t think this is something New – it isnt’! Basically, it is what humankind has always done – sharing and communicating. What IS new is the terminology and the vehicle.

Picture this:

Millions of people are in their offices, dens, bedrooms and kitchens on their computers on the Web connecting with millions of online communities where they are having "conversations" - meeting, sharing, visiting, and returning for more with like-minded people…cool. We all want to know how to get more traffic to our site…

"People definitely are finding value in social sites and communities, where they feel that fewer people there have something to gain (other than goodwill) by reviewing or recommending a product or service." Jack Humphrey (A gold nugget).

We as human beings are social creatures and "networking" is a natural. We know that women, moms, and teens are chatting away online, but businessmen are now having conversations online daily, as consumer behavior across the globe is online to "chat" and "vote" and "recommend" groups, products, services, companies, hobbies, people, etc. The internet has become a conversation of business people melting into groups with ordinary folks discussing, recommending and engaging in "friends" they normally would have had to pay big dollars to find.

Just imagine Bill Gates in his classroom daydreaming… can you imagine how bored he was in school? Social websites are actually an old concept, even though the Web 2.0 is the newest trend on the internet and "Viralling" out of control into cell phones and maybe our index finger soon. Remember the 80’s? People became friends through "communities" online with message boards and bulletin boards

There are literally millions of consumers every hour, every day, online having conversations and connecting globally. There are 79 million googling for a home based business opportunity everyday! It’s astronomical what is happening and it is ever-growing and ever-changing.

Web 2.0, Social Marketing stands for "communicating on the internet".

Social Websites are becoming so powerful that corporations and companies who would never have considered this, (because they are "uncomfortable and not ready") are jumping on board! It’s because they are leaving tons of money on the table if they don’t.

Online Social Websites are changing and influencing people’s opinions and way of thinking, not to mention purchasing behavior. Finding out what our fellow consumers think is becoming an increasingly important part of our own purchasing decisions and makes this the most powerful marketing force online.

It costs nothing to connect with thousands of potential prospects and leverage their attention… just your time. This is unreal when you think about the impact on a company’s bottomline.

On a personal note, I inherited my grandmother’s artistic and creative genes and have been active in the arts my entire life. I just connected with a cool guy from Africa named Gabi, who is an artist and I’ve seen his ceramic pots and beautiful creations… his English is very broken, but Wow – is that cool to read his short messages and little tidbits about him and his family… CONNECTIONS with human beings in far away places is an awesome benefit in today’s world filled with political drama and gas prices that are out of sight.

It is Crucial that you get onboard and do it soon, if you have a product, service or company you want to promote.

"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move." Benjamin Franklin

Some of the universal fears and stories of bad things that have happened because of connections online, are true. Use your brains and have common sense when it comes to meeting people. I have personally found friends I’ll treasure for a lifetime online. I find more and more integrity and honesty. In fact, my experience is people today will report anyone who is "scamming" or exhibiting "dishonesty" of any nature. The Web is here to stay. Our businesses depend on it, so we have to protect this environment for our future.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Benjamin Franklin

The movie, "Patch Adams" was rated by movie critics as Poor. I have a friend whom I dearly love, but I know when I see her and ask her how she’s doing, her reply will be Negative. Movie Critics, CNN, the News, the Taliban, well, you get my drift…. Negativity is powerful. I never watch CNN and very rarely even watch the news. I have a feeling I’m not alone! That’s because I am surrounded by Positive Like-Minded People who are Inspired and moving forward toward a goal….

Join the positive-minded and inspired world of social networking. You’ll be glad you did.

"With great power comes great responsibility" – Spiderman

Carol Claassen, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Carol can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Create Wealth

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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