How Many Squeeze Pages Per Website?

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Matt Bacak
  • Published March 20, 2009
  • Word count 435

Time and time again you hear that your money is in your list. Actually, this is true. Your list is a goldmine because if you capture names through a squeeze page aka opt-in page you have these names at your disposal and can send offers to them again and again. You own these names. If you’re short for cash or want to make some quick cash, simply send your list an email and presto! Instant sales!

However, the question remains, how many squeeze pages should you have for each website you own?

You should only have one main squeeze page that you drive all of your traffic to. Basically, for each niche you are in, you should only have one squeeze page to represent that particular niche. So, in my case I am in the internet marketing niche, so have one squeeze page for the internet marketing niche. I was in the tax niche so I had one for the taxes and another for the real estate niche. Only have one main squeeze page per niche.

However, what you can do and this is what I highly recommend doing as well is you can place squeeze pages in front of sales letters. But you wouldn’t send your current list to this squeeze page because they are already a part of your list. You would send them directly to the sales page for that particular product. You don’t want them to be inconvenienced by having to opt-in again.

You should send them straight to the sales letter page. But you definitely should create a squeeze page for each product sales page because if for some reason some traffic finds that page, you want them to be able to squeeze in before they see the sales letter so that you can capture their information and market to them later on down the road.

The key point is if you already have a list let’s say in internet marketing, you’ll send that list directly to your sales page but you should still make a squeeze page for those new visitors that happen to find your website. You’ll need to capture their names as well so that you can add them to your existing list and sell to them again.

This strategy works well and it keeps your list happy. The last thing you want to do is turn away those people who you’ve worked hard to capture. Organize your business model well and you’ll see how easy it is to build a list and build a strong and loyal following.

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make money easy
make money easy · 15 years ago
Thanks for sharing your great tips about squeeze pages. I'll be putting this to good use.

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