5 Dynamite Ways to Live Your Dream Now!


  • Author Dr. David Breslow
  • Published January 18, 2007
  • Word count 776

"I'm a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are our first casualty in life--people seem to give them up, quicker than anything, for a 'reality'. Kevin Costner

Did you ever say to yourself, "Someday, I'm going to…" and yet "someday" never seems to arrive?

Dreams really are the first casualty in life because we give them up based on some past "reality". What do you really want? Do you want to learn how to play a musical instrument, take an acting class, make more money, improve a skill or finish a book you've been putting off?

We all have dreams, even if they seem buried within us and we don't notice the flame any more. Too often we allow our failures and near failures from the past to become our current reality and it seems our dreams are out of reach. They are not. We know we've allowed the past to dictate our present when we think or say things like, "I don't know if this will work" or "I can't really do this, I've tried before and it didn't work". These are the so-called past "realities" we've allowed to interfere with our present and our future. If Jim Carrey believed his past was the measuring stick, he would have never been paid $15 million to act in a film. If Sylvester Stallone believed in his past "reality", Rocky would have never been made. Look at anyone you believe is successful and you will find that their dreams were not based on some past "reality" or they would have been dropped long ago.

Here are 5 great strategies to turn your dreams into a reality!

  1. Be Clear

Any dream requires that we are crystal clear in our vision. What do you really want? Clear visions lead to clear choices and the majority of my clients are not clear about what they want. They think they are but soon discover they are not. "Make more money" or "Being happier" are not clear desires. Be clear on the amount of money you want, the type of business you want, how you will serve your clients, the specific actions that make you happy and so on.

  1. See it as an established Fact

My clients find this step to be somewhat challenging. Their logical minds step in and think, "How can I see it as real if it hasn't happened yet?" Dreams are the ultimate use of human imagination at its best. See your dream as an established fact even though it has not materialized yet. The body does not know the difference between imagination and reality and if you imagine your dream as already accomplished, your body will experience it that way and it will propel you to think, say and do things in accordance with it. Jim Carrey wrote himself a 10 million dollar check for "acting services rendered" months before he was actually offered that amount. Jack Nicklaus saw every shot before he hit it and Donald Trump sees a casino on a plot of land before it actually exists.

  1. Feel the Passion

This is a crucial element in the process. Feelings are stronger than the intellect and when you add "feeling power" to your images you add a tremendous force toward the accomplishment of your dream. Can you feel how good it feels to accomplish your dream? Imagine yourself earning the money you desire, running a successful business, seeing how your product or service helps customers, traveling, being healthy and happy, building relationships, etc. Generate the warm, powerful feelings that your dream triggers within you and feel it.

  1. Bounce Forward

"Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss." Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is inevitable that the path toward your dream will be filled with ups and downs. You will encounter disappointments and nay-sayers along the way. However, these are all opportunities to clarify and enhance your dream. As Emerson writes, "These are occasions a good learner would not miss". Use these moments as lessons and indicators that will help you bolster your dream even more.

  1. Act Every Day

"My results today aren't as important as the seeds I cultivate for tomorrow" Anon.

Dreams require daily cultivation. Nurture your dream by paying attention to it and nourishing it every day. This means going through steps 1 – 4 each day and follow-up with action. Make contact with those who can help support your dream. Make the call, take the action and follow through every day. In addition, allow others to support you on your journey. As you envision and see your dream accomplished you will draw the people and situations to you who can support it.

David Breslow is a National Speaker, Author and Performance Coach. His book, “Wired To Win” is available at 888.270.7715. His clients include professional athletes (PGA, LPGA, Others) as well as large and small Businesses..For more info on E-Books, TeleSeminars, Coaching and Presentations; please visit: http://www.theflowzone.net , email: david@theflowzone.net or call: 847.681.1698

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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