Mobility Equipment Options For your Equipment
Reference & Education → College & University
- Author Paul Easton
- Published July 14, 2009
- Word count 451
Mobility equipment is designed to help you in your daily life so that you participate in your favorite activities and get around on your own without having to sacrifice all of your independence. Some common mobility equipment products include walkers, patient lifts, nursing beds, regular wheel chairs, powered wheel chairs, reclining chairs, lifting chairs and scooters. Before purchasing any piece of mobility equipment it is important to test them all out so you can determine how to operate it and if it is what you are looking for.
Lift chairs are used to make it easier to go from a sitting position to a standing position. Many times individuals with back problems or arthritis may find it very difficult to perform this action without assistance. The lift chair will rise up to a position that makes it very easy for the sitter to stand. Most lift chairs also will be powered to recline so you can provide your back and feet with the correct support when sitting.
Scooters are great mobility items as the allow you to remain independent and you can participate in many activities that you love. Scooters have the advantage over powered wheel chairs as they can be used both indoors and outdoors. They are very sturdy and comfortable and provide excellent balance and stability when riding. Scooters are available in many different models and you will be sure to find one that meets your specifications.
Powered wheel chairs can be very powerful and make moving about easy. The newer models all use captain's chairs which provide more comfort and easier steering then the traditional models. Wheel chairs should only be used indoors and can have a very tight turning radius making them very manoeuvrable. The speed of the wheel chair models will vary and can reach speeds of around 20 to 25 mph.
Walkers are still used as the individual may need help walking but is still mobile enough that they don't need to use a scooter or wheel chair. Walkers can easily be stowed for storage and travel as most are foldable and the majority comes with foldable seats and baskets for carrying items. The brakes are operated by the hands and can be locked into place when necessary.
A patient lift is used in the home or at medical facilities to help a patient rise or any function they may need. Many individuals that have limited mobility will need a patient lifter to help them move their legs or for them to lift their torso off of the bed. There are many companies that provide mobility equipment and with the new advances in technology the performance and type of equipment available will make movement easier then ever.
[]( is a leader in the area of providing Mobility Scooters in New Zealand. All Electric Mobility Scooters sold by MobilityPlus come with a 12 month warranty, plus a 3 year warranty. Contact us for a Free Trial.
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