Get Active and Reduce Risk of an Early Death by 50 Percent

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Gen Wright
  • Published July 19, 2009
  • Word count 506

Simple fact - if you are over 30 and don't exercise, you cannot possibly have a high quality of life and in fact are risking an early death. In your youth, exercise is largely about appearance and performance. Disease. illness and dysfunction are simply too remote to fuel your desire to become and stay active.

But, as you move into your 30s, 40s and beyond, suddenly there is a realization that your body is not indestructible anymore and is starting to show signs of wear and tear. Life's grind begins to impact you in ways not experienced earlier in life and the snow balling effect can range from mildly intrusive to massively disruptive.

Increased responsibilities in life, coupled with longer workdays often lead to higher levels of chronic stress. And, tighter schedules lead many to abandon an exercise program as something that just takes up too much time. So, it takes a back seat to building a career and taking care of a family. The problem is though, when you de-prioritize exercise with increasing age, the negative impact reaches further and far beyond what you ever imagined.

Indeed, inactivity can stifle and endanger nearly every part of your life...

Inactivity weakens your immune system - Lack of exercise slows down cleansing the body of toxins and waste products weakening the immune system.

An increase in blood flow associated with proper exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection. This provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs and viruses. A healthy immune system helps the body fight diseases such as cancer.

Inactivity slows your metabolism. After age 30, we begin to literally lose lean muscle tissue from our body at an alarming rate. And, since muscle is metabolically active tissue (it burns the most calories), every pound of muscle lost lowers your metabolism and increases the likelihood of becoming overweight or obese. Exercise, more specifically, strength training is the only way to stop this happening. Rebuilding and maintaining lost muscle tissue reactivates your metabolic rate (the rate your body burns fuel).

Inactivity increases the risk of heart-attack. A sedentary lifestyle is now considered as dangerous a risk for developing heart disease as smoking. Even people who have had a heart attack can increase their chances of survival if they change their habits to include a proper exercise program.

We are more concerned these days with living a long and healthy life, rather than just living longer. If you do not exercise regularly, or have an inactive lifestyle, you are increasing your risk of many life threatening preventable diseases and the more likely you are to die younger.

While, inactivity leads to a downward spiral and a slow decline in your ability to fully live life, proper exercise that includes strength training exercise can profoundly enhance your life, lifestyle and even performance at work. You can also earn yourself a 50% reduction in the risk of an early death. Sounds like a pretty good deal don't you think?

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!" here: Ways To Look Younger For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.

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