Buy Real Air Jordan Shoes – Genuine Prices for Quality Shoes

ShoppingFashion / Style

  • Author Michiel Van Kets
  • Published September 10, 2009
  • Word count 713

On the hunt for new Air Jordan shoes? Not sure how to tell what is real and what is a fake? The difference between a genuine or replica Air Jordan may in fact be impossible to tell. Yes there are some absolutely terrible replicas of the shoes out there being sold by scam artists who are just in business to ripoff customers but there are genuine replicas also being sold by wholesalers who are not offering fake shoes but real shoes at a reasonable price. It is most likely that with many wholesale or discount shoe sales options that the shoes themselves are made in the same factory somewhere in the world, other than the USA, as the Air Jordan shoes sent to the originating company in America (you know the one that starts with "Big N"). This means that the shoes made for the "Big N" and called genuine Air Jordan shoes could in fact be made in the same factory as the replica or so called fake Air Jordan shoes. So the quality is the same but the price is not? Which do you go for real fake or fake real?

How do you decide whether you are getting a real pair of Air Jordan shoes or a replica or knockoff version of the Air Jordan shoes? There are a few things that you can do to make the search a little easier but it will not be a simple task to tell fake or real from each other, unless they are a complete scam operation and selling complete fake knock off shoes. Usually these kinds of scam businesses do not last long and the scammers are often busted for selling real fake Air Jordan shoes. This does make your task a little difficult but usually those scam businesses are quickly out of business having been busted and nobody wants to deal with a business run by a bunch of liars. If the business has been online for a while you can usually consider that they are selling at least "same factory" produced genuine/replica Air Jordan shoes.

Firstly you need to make sure you are aware of the designs of the Air Jordan shoes that you want to buy, you can check online for actual shoe information regarding genuine designs and when you have that information it is a little easier to tell the knockoffs because they are perhaps not in the same color options or there are some other small variations, they then will most likely actually be fake Air Jordan shoes. Often the scammer businesses will not answer enquiries as well so it is a good idea to contact the business if you think they may be fake or knockoff shoes.

You should also check that all the logo information that is on an Air Jordan is on the pair that you want to perhaps purchase from the cheaper sites that are selling genuine replica Air Jordan shoes. Check out for design styles colors etc. It is a little more difficult to confirm this information online but you can ask the wholesaler for further information about the shoes and when you are considering that there may be a difference of over US$200 between the shoes, in fact in some cases more, it is worth doing some research. As said above, usually a scam business will not answer your enquiries or will not provide adequate information for what you request from them.

The main reason there is such a lot of hype about real and fake basketball shoes, and other products in the world, is that the genuine articles that are considered real are sold for say US$350, while the same article made in the same factory on the same production line but shipped to a different wholesaler is then sold for perhaps US$89. So what is real or fake, if they are made in the same factory but the price difference can be over US$250 for the shoes made by the same manufacturers? Are they in fact a knock off since they are made in the same factory or are they a replica so therefore the same quality but not genuine because they are not sold directly by the "Big N" for over US$250 more?

Michiel Van Kets writes articles for and specialising in counter misinformation regarding fake shoes. What makes a product genuine or replica?

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