Top tips about love and dating

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Vultur Adrian
  • Published October 8, 2009
  • Word count 1,558

How to tell if a man likes you

How do you know if a man really likes you, or is just after you for your female charms. It is easy to look at gorgeous men with rose-tinted spectacles, but once you get over the eye-candy stage, how do you know he really likes you? You may have noticed him standing nonchalantly chatting in the corner of a room, when his eye caught yours. But was he really looking at you or was that just wishful thinking on your part? Men are much harder to read than women, and generally less expressive, so here are five points to help you out. If a man fancies you:

  1. He will tell someone

If he is interested in taking you out he will probably tell a mutual friend so he can get closer to you, and also get them to be the go-between to avoid any first contact nerves. He may ask where you are from, where you work or what your name is. When he tells a friend how attractive he finds you, he will be hoping the conversation gets back to you so he can gauge your reaction. Beware the man who still wants to talk to his male friends about you after you have spent your first night together.

  1. That Look

Even shy guys will manage eye contact if they want to get to know you better. Look out for ´that look´ which will betray his calm exterior, and notice his eyes sweeping the room for you if you move away to talk to friends. You may even notice the beginning of a shy smile when he looks at you. Beware the salacious look of a man who is undressing you with his eyes before he has even spoken to you.

  1. The conversation

When he eventually sidles up to you and dares to make conversation, does he ask about you or tell you his whole life history, his money, his jobs, his new Ferrari and his relationship history? If he asks you if you are seeing anyone, think carefully before you answer, as this will mean he definitely wants to take you out. If he is boring and self-indulgent then make your answer the right one for you. Beware the man who bores you to death with tales of his own success.

  1. He appears from nowhere

If he appears from nowhere and just turns up, he is obviously very interested in taking you out on a date. He may have been checking your schedule with your friends or, if he has been hanging off your every word, his photographic memory will click in and he will remember the slightest details of your daily routine (I once did this with an ex-boyfriend and it proved disastrous). Beware the man who turns into a stalker.

  1. Mystery gifts

If you are suddenly receiving flowers by the van load, mystery parcels of perfume, chocolates and other luxuries, make sure you are really interested in this poor guy before you accept them. If you also feel attracted to him, then let the romance begin, but if you are turned off by his constant attentions, be straight with him. Beware the man who continues to buy you gifts, even when you have told him where to go!

10 ways to make a girl love you

There is no getting away from it. Girls love romance. Hearts, flowers, chocolates, the whole damn lot. If you are not a particularly romantic guy, learn how to be, and win the girl of your dreams. Here are 10 ways to get the girl:

  1. Make a good impression

Nobody likes a slob. Least of all the girl whose heart you are trying to win. Making a good impression is vitally important, but be unique. Be a man with your own style, dress well, don´t use obscene language (at least until you know if she does or not), be modest and ask questions about her hobbies, her work and her lifestyle. Don´t ask anything too personal on a first date – she will find it off-putting. Keep the conversation light and amusing.

  1. Take your time

Don´t be too pushy. Even if she is the most gorgeous creature you ever set eyes on, don´t try to get her into bed after the first evening. Think romance instead of sex, and you will be on to a winner. You will also gain respect in her eyes if you take things slowly. Take her out for a drink, to the cinema or for a meal with friends, so you get to know each other better before taking the plunge. Small gifts and gestures count for much more than full-on declarations of love and marriage at the beginning of a relationship.

  1. Friendship first

Women love to be loved. They want to feel needed, adored and protected. Take the time to find out her likes, dislikes, her pastimes, her favourite places to visit and what makes her tick. Love that grows from a deep friendship is the best and longest lasting sort.

  1. Support and strength

Most women like to be looked after, so provide her with a shoulder to lean on, and be a constant source of support to her. If she is at a low-ebb, restore her hope and confidence and she will be eternally grateful to you. The sooner she realises how much you have bought to her life, the sooner she will always want you in it. Be there for her during the good times and the bad, and you will become a rock in her life.

  1. Make her feel special

Make your girl feel special and let her know what a wonderful difference she has made to your life. She needs to understand she is unique and that your love for each other is unique, and that nobody else could or will take her place. Show your appreciation by treating her to a special meal or taking her to see an event she has always talked about.

  1. Share your dreams

In your day to day talks, share your dreams and every aspect of your life with your girl. Share your thoughts about the future, where you want to live with her, and how you see your career heading. Always encourage her in everything she does and be there for her if it doesn´t work out.

  1. Share your thoughts

Once the relationship has developed, tell her how much you think about her every day, and that she is the first person you think about in the morning and the last person at night. Tell her that your love for her consumes you and you could no longer imagine life without her.

  1. Keep thinking

Never allow your relationship to become stale by not being creative. Always be thinking of new things to do with your girl, new places to go and new areas to explore in your relationship.

  1. Keep in contact

Always phone her when you say you will, or send a text message if you are unable to call. Women hate it when men don´t call when they say they will. She would prefer you to call at 4am than not to call at all. Keep an element of surprise to your unplanned calls and just occasionally call her just to say how much you were thinking of her.

  1. Play hard to get

As difficult as it may be for any red-blooded male, hold back a while, and let her know men can play hard to get too. If you are serious about this relationship, reassure her that you will stick around after you take things further, and that she is very special to you. Look after her, be there for her, be honest with her and she will melt into your arms. Patience is the key to true love, so take your time and you could just have found the love of your life.

16 questions to ask on a first date

First dates can be nerve-racking, and you can end up like a gibbering wreck if you don´t give the conversation some thought. We are always terrified of saying the wrong thing, coming across as being arrogant or being rejected. It is virtually impossible to carry on a conversation with your first date the same way you would with friends or family, as our confidence fails us.

Below is a list of 10 conversation starters which will help you avoid embarrassing silences:

  1. What food would you never eat, even if you were offered millions of pounds?

  2. Which book or author has had a major impact on you?

  3. What was the best bargain you ever bought?

  4. What is the most annoying thing you have come across on a first date?

  5. Who are your heroes and why?

  6. What would you always say "no" to?

  7. What´s the most unusual or weird thing you know how to do?

  8. What was the silliest thing you ever did as a child?

  9. What would be your perfect job?

  10. What would you call your biography?

Conversation starters should not be read out one after the other, or your date may think you are mentally challenged, but introduce them into the conversation, or silence whatever the case may be. Conversation should then flow, as she can ask you the same questions back and your confidence will grow.

Adrian vultur writes for Things to do in Spain

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