Unique Marketing Technique

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Lioney Sg
  • Published October 23, 2009
  • Word count 471

One tried and true method of marketing is the newspaper or at least it was at one time. There was a time when practically every man, woman, and child had to grab their section of the newspaper and enjoy reading from the news section to the sports section to the funnies. Today, all of this reading is still occurring, not everyone is turning to the television as it was once believed. The newspapers were still selling like hotcakes even though every morning, every evening at dinnertime, and every night the local television channels broadcast the news. Today, however, there is a brand new information center in town that lets everyone pick and choose what they wish to read or hear without having to search through the various pages of the newspaper or wait until the newscaster gets to the section you wish to hear and that is the internet.

Today, you can find all kinds of ways to market your service or product that will truly get in front of those that are looking for your product or service. The best marketing plan will tell you that you must place an ad where potential customers will find your ad. If you were selling children’s clothing, it would not be a smart idea to place an ad on a golf website. Women are the major purchasers when it comes to children’s clothing so you will want to find a website that would be of interest to women such as gardening, parenting, or even recipes.

Another great way to be noticed is to place ads in classified websites. By placing your ad in classified ad websites, those looking for your particular product or service will be able to locate you ad quickly. In most cases, classified ad websites have search options so a customer can search quickly for the item or service they need or want, this cuts down on searching through the newspaper and allows each customer to find your product quickly by the ad you wrote. You will want to learn to use keywords that represent your product or service. Okay, we will use children’s clothing again. If a customer is searching for an item under children’s clothing such as shoes for a little girl, this customer will be using keywords such as girl’s shoes and kid shoes.

Not only will potential customers be able to find your products easier by searching by keywords but also by the way, the website has the navigation created. In most cases, it only takes a couple of clicks to get to the information they are searching for, thus a more enjoyable experience. Finding and using classified ads in your area will truly provide you with a larger audience and clientele that are actually searching for your products or services.

Lioney Singapore is a free online Singapore classified advertising portal and business directory offering ads for used cars in Singapore, and for those looking for a job in Singapore.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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