Meet The Ecletus Parrot, Glossy And Brilliant

PetsExotic Animals

  • Author Dalvin Rumsey
  • Published March 9, 2007
  • Word count 495

Parrots are birds with gaily and boldly colors. Parrots have even, thin plumage on their whole bodies with solid color spots, which usually contrast themselves.

The most obvious feature of all parrots is the difference between the upper and lower mandibles. Both of them are curved but the upper one is curved downwards and ends like a hook while the lower one is smaller and curves upward. This is only one of the parrots distinctive features.

Another interesting special feature of the parrots is the feet. They show four toes, two of them pointing backwards and two pointing forward. This feature allows them to grasp strongly the objects around them.

Although not all of them, most parrots like to populate trees, tending to live in or close to tropical forests. They eat fruits, wild figs, buds and blossoms, seeds, nuts or berries.

They build nests in holes in the trees, or in some cases, in termite mounds or rocks. Parrots lay 2 to 5 white eggs which hatch in around 3 weeks. Both parents feed the young with predigested regurgitated food.

The eclectus parrot

In this case, the male and female show different colors, the male is bright green with red and blue spots and the female has blue belly and the rest of the plumage is crimson. Both male and female are glossy and brilliant birds.

Where can they be found? This kind of parrots is found in Solomon Islands, Lesser Sundas, N-E Australia and New Guinea. Those birds live in lowland forests and clumps of tall trees. In the early 1980’s they were discovered to be very common in the Malaccan Islands.

The eclectus parrots behavior

The eclectus parrots have strong wings and muscles, which makes them very good flyers. They fly above the forest canopy in pairs or small groups, making loud noises and searching for food. At sunset, they make display flights and gather in large groups, preparing themselves for the night.

Two distinct calls were encountered in the eclectus parrots. While they feed, they have a wailing cry or a mellow flute-like call and when they fly they repeat three or four times a screeching sound

Their food

The Eclectus parrots eat mainly fruits, seeds, nuts, leaf buds, blossoms, nectar and berries. All those are usually found up in the top of the trees.

How do eclectus parrots grow up and reproduce

Usually, those parrots find or build nests in holes in the trees in the high areas. Also they seem to like clearings in the forests or the edges of the forests for their nests.

The eclectus parrot female lays two eggs; usually on wood chips deep inside the nest and for 26 days she will be the only one to touch her eggs. Only the female broods the eggs. During this period, the male feeds her twice a day on regular intervals and those are the only times the female leaves her eggs. 12 weeks after hatching, the young parrots leave the nest.

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