Blogging for List Building Traffic

Computers & TechnologyBlogging / Forums

  • Author Tellman Knudson
  • Published May 4, 2007
  • Word count 901

So, do you have a blog? Why not? You want people to come to your website, right? If you don't have one, is it because you're scared that your writing stinks on ice? Or, maybe you don't think you have the know-how to set one up. But, and this is the best excuse, you think you don't have the time. Guess what? You're dead wrong.

List building requires traffic. You need people to see your squeeze page, if you want them to join. Blogs will help with that because the search engines love them. They're mainly text, so search engine spiders can view them easily, rather than having to navigate around complicated java scripts, flash, or too many images. They just breeze right through. If you post every day, you'll soon rank high. Stick to a theme in your blog. So, if you're writing about dogs, don't go off on a tangent and write about the basketball game last night. Stick to dogs, include words that are germane to dogs in each post, and you'll gain ranking. One of my blogs came out a PR5 within just a few months! If you don't understand the significance, let me explain.

When Google appoints page rank, it depends on lots of factors. I don't want to get into that now, but let's just say that a PR5 will show up better in search results than a PR0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. And for that reason it will get more traffic. The goal is to get your blog into the first three pages of results, the first page being the most desirable, with the top spot as your bullseye. That position gets the most traffic of all.

But let's address your worries:

You can't write:

Well, you can. Anyone can. If you need something to help you, get a home study course and learn it. Then, sit in front of your computer or a blank sheet of paper, and just sit there. Soon, you'll begin to form ideas. Write them down. Do this for one hour, at the same time, every day. Eventually, you'll train your brain to think, "It's writing time!"

You can also find interesting tidbit on the web, and put excerpts from this stuff on your blog, too. Just be sure you aren't plagiarizing. If you want to post more than 10% of the total words in the work, then, get permission from the author first. Or use an article from one of the directories, like Ezine Articles, iSnare, or Use the work in its entirety, including the author's resource box or bio box. Then add a paragraph of introduction to the piece and a closing paragraph and "wrap" the article with your own words.

But if you're still not convinced that you can write even a paragraph, hire a ghostwriter. You can find people at or who will do the writing for you. When you buy their work, be sure you're buying "all rights," which means you can use the work any way you wish. You can rewrite it. You can put your name in the byline. You can alter the article to suit your purposes. All rights even means you can sell it and keep all the money. If you can afford a ghostwriter, it will save time.

You don't know how to set up a blog:

Not many people do! But it's not a problem. If you are hosting on a cPanel server, WordPress can be installed easily by a great installer program called Fantastico. Just go into your cPanel account, and click Fantastico. Then, a whole bunch of options will probably come up. One of them will be "install WordPress blog," or something like that. You fill in a few blanks, and voila! You have your own blog. Editing the templates are another issue, and that may be a bit tricky for you, if you're not familiar with HTML.

So, if you don't know how to do these mechanical details, hire a technician to do it. You can find them online, too, at places like Tell them what you want done and pay them to do it for you.

You think you don't have the time:

You don't have the time not to run a blog. They're great for many reasons. We've already discussed how search engines love them. When you put a link to your main site on your blog, you're getting a one-way link, if you don't make the mistake of linking back to your blog from your website. One-way links are search engine optimization (SEO) gold. Each link back to your site counts as a vote. The more votes you have from other sites, especially if you didn't vote for theirs in return, help your page rank and your standing. But the best thing a blog will do is send traffic to your squeeze page. Sign up for some Web 2.0 sites, like, StumbleUpon, and Digg, too. you'll get a ton of traffic via your blog this way, as well.

People need to see your squeeze page to sign up for your list, right? If you don't take some action to make this happen, you won't get a very big list, so get that blog going. And join some Web 2.0 sites on blogging, like,, or You'll see your traffic pick up. Maybe overnight!

List building master, Tellman Knudson, is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and has built a massive, responsive list in a short time. Learn his "Get a List Quick" system at (

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Article comments

richard · 17 years ago
Great post. There are tons of ways to make money online, you just have to pick one and stick with it. Making easy money online is possible but needs work based on the right information.

evans · 17 years ago
great info. I completely agree with you. yes,list building requires traffic.

Bob · 17 years ago
List building requires traffic. You have suggested very good points how to get traffic.

sky · 17 years ago
Thanks for the link I’ve been trying different monetizing ideas for a few of my sites, for a while now and honestly so far it’s text links and adsense that have brought in anything consistantly for me. But I’m working on other avenues - and trying to figure it all out along the way.

Max Lund
Max Lund · 17 years ago
I need list building HELP!!! I just came across a PLR giveaway that is expected to reach more than 200,000 people. I want to make the best use of this event and possibly add a minimum of 10K new subribers to my list. Can anyone suggest the best possible way to promote this event?

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