Dieting is Crucial for the Future

Foods & DrinksFood

  • Author Peter Goligher
  • Published April 13, 2010
  • Word count 469


If you're reading this then you're one of the many thousands of people out there trying to get thin. And I'm guessing you haven't had any luck so far, am I right?

You need to ask yourself why you put on weight in the first place. Everyone is different so the diet your neighbour is using may not be the best diet for you to use. Dieting nowadays is more common than ever. Stand in the middle of a busy street, close your eyes and point and you'll be likely to find someone who has either tried dieting before, is on a diet, or is thinking of starting one. Such is the power of the media. The world is so much more conscious of image than it used to be and we have TV to thank for that. Models are on the covers of nearly every magazine on the market so it's hard for us to ignore the concept of image. Kids want to be exactly like them because they are 'cool' looking. When was the last time you saw a billboard with a big fat guy advertising the latest Ralph Lauren cologne? The answer is never because more often than not, overweight people are the butt of jokes. Is it fair? Of course not.

If I had one wish it would be that everybody could like exactly the way they wanted, when they wanted to. Unfortunately that's not how it happens so the best I can do is to help you get to the weight you've always wanted to. Let me tell you about a friend of mine.

She, like you, enjoys her food and is inclined to put on weight quicker then some. Before she knew she'd put on almost two stone. That was depressing in itself but when it came to trying on new clothes it just made her feel even worse. What's worse than trying on a top that only six months ago would have fitted you with room to spare? What did she do? Well, with work restraints she couldn't really afford the time to go to the gym so she did the only thing she knew she had control over. Eating. Day by day she chopped down the amount she eat and also watched what she ate. Day by day the weight came off. Not fast. So slow at the beginning she was convinced that nothing was happening. But lately, she's been enjoying clothes shopping again.

It's a simple story but a true one. Putting on weight is easy, taking it off can be a long and boring process. Do yourself a favour and help make your food interesting. If your food is interesting then eating it won't be boring. You'll find the weight comes off without you really thinking about it.

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