Save Time - Automate FTP and SFTP Transfers

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Vladimir Davidenko
  • Published April 25, 2010
  • Word count 502

For most business which utilize FTP or SFTP protocols, a standard FTP client is the most common solution. This makes exchanging and sharing files more efficient across a network of users. However, if part of your job is to be responsible for keeping track of all the files exchanged over the network, things can start to get complicated and very time consuming. When you need to recognize which files are new and which ones have been changed, the normal way to do this requires you to manually navigate through all the folders, searching for updates by hand. This can take a great deal of time but thankfully, there is a way to automate SFTP and FTP transfers.

If you are spending a great deal of time manually searching through the contents of your servers to download, review or update files, then you need a solution that can automate the process. Since time is money, using this time on these sorts of activities should be avoided if at all possible.

When you consider the entire process that is required just to add, download or simply review just a single file through FTP in the traditional manner, the amount of time required might seem rather daunting. First you have to log into the client, search through all the available folders and select each folder one-by-one while waiting for data to upload or download as required. Doing this for a single file every now and again is, of course, no big deal, but when you need to do this for multiple files at once and a number of times throughout the day, the amount of time required to do this manually rises exponentially.

Fortunately there is an alternative, a powerful software solution that automates the process, completely negating the necessity to get involved in the excruciatingly slow traditional method of dealing with your files over FTP or SFTP.

Automating the process can be achieved by FTPGetter 3 Professional, a powerful solution which gives you everything you need. Using this software, you will be able to save an enormous amount of time and surprise yourself by just how easy it can be. Using the software's built-in scheduling feature, you can set up the program to carry out tasks at specific times. For example, you can configure it to check for file updates and creations once per day, in a specific folder or multiple folders. Once the task has been scheduled, you can leave the program to do the rest of the work for you, even when you are not present.

Another benefit offered by FTPGetter 3 is its ease of use. Designed with a user-friendly and easily navigable interface, the program is intuitive and a pleasure to use regardless of your level of IT knowledge. You will not have to rely on any IT department for additional guidance and you can easily start using the program straight out of the box. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can fully automate FTP and SFTP file transfers.

FTPGetter 3 Professional helps manage data transfer workflow and automate FTP and SFTP transfer tasks by taking control of uploading and downloading files and folders.

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