Dating: The Body Language Game

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Kelly Liyakasa
  • Published June 14, 2007
  • Word count 708

So you’re about to head out on a blind date with your aunt’s neighbor’s friend’s son. Supposedly he’s good looking and has a stable job. He votes, likes kids and even volunteers at your local animal shelter, or so you’ve heard. Sounds like the perfect guy!

The Date:

The two of you decide to go to a local Japanese restaurant because you hear he has a special place in his heart for California rolls. Before you show up, you spend three hours mercilessly prepping your makeup, hair and outfit in the bathroom. As you walk into the sushi joint, you see your date and he gives you a warm smile, shakes your hand and looks you in the eye. How can you read into his body language for the remainder of the night to tell if you two match?

Eye Contact:

It’s often said that the eyes are the window into someone else’s soul. This is partly true. People who are interested in each other tend to make eye contact and hold it for a few seconds. Don’t stare, though! Ever been in a situation where a woman you were disinterested in stared you down, batting her eyelashes? It makes you uneasy being scrutinized, especially when you just don’t feel the same attraction.

Signs He Likes You:

Men tend to be more physical and often play fight and touch their lady friends’ arms. If your date seems to touch your arm during conversation, it could be a sign he’s interested. After all, when you don’t like someone, you’re not going to grab their arm. Men also lean forward in their seats when they are enthralled in someone or something. You know how he sits at the edge of his seat during a Giants game or The Terminator?

It’s because he likes it. Same with you. One of the top signs he has feelings for you is he calls you! Ok, so he might text you a lot to, but a guy that wants to take things further with you will find any excuse he can to give you a ring. And it won’t be after a week.

Signs She Likes You:

She may play with her hair or primp herself in other ways to get you to notice her. If she’s dressed to impress and keeps playing with her brand-new skirt, chances are she wants you to notice her. Women also tend to highlight their best physical features. For example, if a girl loves the way her smile and eyes look, she may lean forward and rest her chin in her hands. She may also ask you what you like to do in your free time, a dead giveaway. She’s figuring out what potential dates lie ahead for the both of you! Also, if she tells you she likes your shirt or cologne, she’s probably interested. Women usually compliment their girlfriends more than guys, so if she extends a compliment, it’s a good sign.

Don’t Generalize:

Not all men and women are carbon copies of each other, so you really can’t generalize patterns of attraction. An outgoing guy who doesn’t like you “that way” may play fight with every woman he meets. Similarly, just because she twirls her hair around her finger, it may not mean she thinks you’re Mr. Right. Maybe she just bought a new conditioner she’s in love with.

One alternative to navigating the body language game is to find love online. Reading dating online reviews can be a great start in scoping out the right service for your personality. reports that one dating service, True, even lets daters fill out compatibility profiles so body language can factor into your relationship after you meet someone you already have a connection with.

This saves you embarrassment, heartbreak and from having to ask your buddies what she meant when she said she never wants to see you again. The next time you’re on a date, think of how nice it would be if you already knew the person’s personality, goals and pet peeves like the back of your hand.

Kelly Liyakasa is a staff writer for Kelly Staller is site manager at, a site dedicated to giving YOU, the consumer, the best product and service reviews around. If you like saving time and money by having someone else review leading sites and products, then Visit our site at

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