Single Parents & Dating

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Kelly Liyakasa
  • Published June 26, 2007
  • Word count 441

Going to the movies on Friday night and enjoying a candlelight dinner by the ocean are not only activities for young, unmarried couples. Having one child or more without a spouse may leave some parents wondering if they’ll ever get back in the dating game. Maybe you forgot how to act on a date or worse, don’t trust any member of the opposite sex because every guy you meet somehow reminds you of your ex-husband.

Getting back into the dating pool can be tricky and stressful even for the most seasoned daters out there. What should I wear? Will she think I’m ugly? Do I have a decent personality? Does he mind if I have kids? These are all concerns faced by singles of all ages and ethnicities. For those that do have children, you face an even greater challenge in finding a partner that will also be a good match for your kids.

Forget what you’ve seen on The Brady Bunch and let’s get back to 2007! It’s challenging to meet the perfect mate with the number of hours you probably work and the responsibilities you have at home. Many single parents don’t have the time to sit at Starbucks, down a latte and keep their eyes out for potential matches. If you feel like you’re alone, don’t.

Have you heard these single parent statistics?

• Last year’s US Census Bureau reported there are about 14 million single parents in the US.

• 21.6 million children are raised by single parents.

• 83.1% of custodial parents are mothers.

• 16.9% of custodial parents are fathers.

• 80% of custodial single mom’s are employed.

• 89.8% of custodial single dad’s are employed.

These figures prove the extensive number of single parents that may be looking for love just like you may be! Even if you don’t see yourself participating in conventional dates like the ones you went on at the age of 18, the Internet has impacted even the way you can find love.

For example, one site is Single Parents Mingle. reported that this service is ideal for single parents dating online because of its many single-parent-friendly features. Daters can color code their personality profiles, so they are matched with others of the same personality shade. Potential daters can send winks if they are interested in another user and can browse profiles and pictures relevant to your age category.

If you’re a single mom or dad, there is a world of opportunity in dating online. Never feel as if you’re too old to get back in the game. You may find love where you least expected it.

Kelly Liyakasa is a staff writer for Kelly Staller is site manager at, a site dedicated to giving YOU, the consumer, the best product and service reviews around. If you like saving time and money by having someone else review leading sites and products, then Visit our site at

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