Author's articles

Pendulum Slip Test Prevents Slip and Fall Accidents
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Slips and falls are the most common cause of injury in the workplace. Regardless of your business, it is your duty and responsibility to take care of your staff, clients, customers and also members of ...
Is it Time for Floor Deep Cleaning?
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Every business outlet, retail business, commercial or residential building or space needs a deep floor cleaning at one time or another. Deep cleaning offers much more than just a fresh look to the overall setting. ...
Top Reasons to Anti Slip Your Floors
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Shiny floors can be extremely appealing to the eyes, but they are one of the main reasons for floor accidents. Experiencing a floor accident is embarrassing, as well as, dangerous as one can end up ...
What are the Benefits of Non Slip Flooring?
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
In a workplace, the safety and health of the staff are of the utmost importance. One of the leading causes for claims against companies in the UK today is falls and slips. As a business ...
The Pendulum Friction Test - Things You Should Know
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Do you own a business? If so, you are probably in need of pendulum friction testing for your floors. This is a type of slip resistance test that is crucial if you want to save ...
Why Hire Professionals to Deep Clean Your Tile Floors?
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Ceramic tiles are a popular flooring option for commercial and residential spaces in the UK and beyond. Tiles are easy to install and gives out a clean, polished look. Also, they come in myriad patterns ...
The Causes Of Slips, Trips, And Falls.
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
It is a fact that the major causes of accidents at work are slips, trips, and falls. They can cause everything from minor bruising to broken legs and arms, and on occasion can be fatal. ...
Some Shocking Statistics Showing Injuries In The Workplace
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
The latest figures available from the HSE show that in 2016/2017 the number of estimated non-fatal injuries to workers was 609,000, of which 434,000 were injuries causing less than 7 days of absence, while the ...
The law Regarding Slips and Falls in the Workplace
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act) requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone who may be affected by their work, so far as is reasonably ...
Why You Need To Worry About Floor Safety When You Own a Business
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Slips, trips, and falls in the workplace can be the result of a number of different things. They are the major cause of serious injuries, according to the HSE, and can result in compensation claims ...
Slips and Falls Can Result In Lawsuits for Thousands in Damages
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Slips, trips, and falls are the most common cause of injuries suffered in the workplace. According to the HSE they account for some 40% of all major injuries suffered at work, and as they say, ...
The Factors Affecting the Condition of Floor Surfaces
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Floor surfaces can vary enormously. In fact, it would be fair to say that no two floor surfaces are exactly the same, even though they may be made of identical material. This is in much ...
What You Need To Know About the Law Relating To Employee Safety
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Slips and trips are the major cause of injury at work. They account for 40% of all the reported most severe injuries, and they can also lead to other serious accidents such as falls from ...
Slips, Trips and fall in The Workplace
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
According to the Health and Safety Executive, the most common cause of injury at work is slips, trips, and falls. On average, they account for 40% of all workplace reported major injuries, and they can ...
Using the Pendulum Test to Determine the Slip Resistance of a Floor
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Statistics show that one third of all major accidents that are reported are due to slips, trips, and falls, and in most of the cases the problem is that the floor is in some way ...
What to Do If You Suffer a Slip and Fall Accident
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Suffering an injury because of an accident where you have slipped on a floor surface is very common indeed. The HSE states that a third of all reported major accidents are due to slips and ...
The Dangers Of Slips And Trips On Floor Surfaces
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
Slips and trips are, according to the HSE, the cause of one third of all reported accidents, and some 40% of people suffering them are members of the public, the remainder being workers in the ...
How To Deep Clean Tile Floors
By Ray Stobbart · 5 years ago
How do you know if your tile floors actually need a deep clean? They may look pretty good from five or six feet up where your eyes are, but in fact they could need a ...