Author's articles

How To Switch Suppliers Without Triggering An Exit Fee
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
UK residents have many choices when it comes to energy suppliers, but that doesn’t mean that switching is always easy. Even when a new deal crops up that is better than another, a customer has ...
How to Site a Home Wind Turbine
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
In order to work effectively, a home wind turbine must be placed in an appropriate site. There are several factors to consider when choosing the site where the wind turbine will be placed, including the ...
How to Set up Biomass Boilers
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
You may have sought out means to use less of the earth’s finite resources or to reduce the amount of carbon emissions that you directly or indirectly contribute to the atmosphere. However, you are not ...
How to Protect Baxi Boilers From a Carbon Monoxide Leak
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
For those who enjoy the convenience and comfort of a Baxi boiler, they will want to make sure their system is kept safe and secure. As with any boiler system, carbon monoxide can pose a ...
How Much Energy Do I Use To Run My Electrical Appliances?
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
It’s the computer age, but without electricity that computer won’t work. People love their tech gadgets, but appliances can be huge energy hogs. While people are very aware that heating costs can severely impact a ...
How to Prepare Your Home for a Ground Source Heat Pump
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
A ground source heat pump harnesses the solar energy in your garden soil and uses it to heat your home. This process is more natural than burning fossil fuels or even using an electrical system. ...
How to Navigate the EPC Register Website
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
The Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Register is the register of Energy Performance Certificates lodged for properties in the UK, and can be accessed online via the website. The website is operated on behalf ...
How to Install Underfloor Insulation
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Installing underfloor insulation in your house can save you money each year on your energy bills. You can usually save at least 60 pounds per year in heating and cooling, but some estimates indicate that ...
How To Improve the Energy Efficiency of Baxi Boilers
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
With energy prices seeming to be constantly on the rise, homeowners are always on the lookout for ways of saving money through lower energy bills. Fortunately, one of the best ways of cutting energy is ...
Great Hydroelectric Projects - Three Gorges Dam
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
It has been described as China’s most ambitious building project since the Great Wall. Operational since July 4, 2012, although it will not be completely finished until 2014, the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze ...
Why Switch Gas and Electric Supplier? Because It’s Easy and Worthwhile
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
The most common answer to the question, ‘why switch gas and electric supplier?’ is ‘to get a cheaper deal’. You might be prompted to take the decision by wanting a fixed tariff to protect you ...
Avoid ScottishPower Price Changes with Online Tariffs
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
ScottishPower price changes have had an impact on many households around the UK. As with most other large energy companies, ScottishPower gas and electricity prices are continuing to rise. However, there are ways to avoid ...
Aussies Cost of Household Bills Better than They Thought
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
A few weeks ago, if you asked the average Aussie on the street if their cost of living and household bills were going up or down, they’d emphatically assert that the bills were definitely on ...
Are You Sure You Have The Cheapest Gas and Electricity Deal?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Rising energy prices have forced homeowners and businesses to review their energy suppliers. The market for gas and electricity supply has exploded in recent years, and new companies are offering attractive deals and tariffs to ...
Are Social Energy Tariffs As Fair As People Think?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
When social tariffs were first proposed, they were not seen as being fair to everyone. The idea was to combat excess winter deaths by helping UK residents that were at risk of fuel poverty to ...
Natural Gas Powered Vehicles
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Natural gas is a naturally occurring fuel that burns much more cleanly than petroleum products such as gasoline or diesel. This is because it has much less carbon in it than these other fuel types. ...
Is It Possible to Gather Energy From Earthquakes?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
As you know, our world is searching for newer forms of energy since the existing sources are depleting fast. Today’s world is powered mainly by fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), and oil prices ...
Importance of Designing New Homes With Energy Conservation in Mind
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
People worldwide are troubled by the increasing prices of various sources of energy—electricity, heating oil, gasoline, natural gas, etc. People are looking for various means to reduce the consumption of vital forms of energy. In ...
How to Find Funding for the Installation of Solar Energy Systems
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Drive through any neighborhood and you’re bound to see at least one house or business building with solar panels on one side of the roof. Go home and do a little research and you’ll find ...
Energy Saving Tips for Air Conditioners and Fans
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Having a window air conditioner, or even a good fan, can make even the hottest day more comfortable, but if you are not careful those units can also run up your utility bills. There are ...