Author's articles

How to Keep Your Energy Costs Down During the Fall and Winter Months
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
The summer months mean high energy bills thanks to your running air conditioner, but the fall and winter months can become daunting just as quickly as temperatures plummet and your home becomes colder. While we ...
How to Keep Cool in Your House and Save on Energy Bills this Summer
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
The only thing more brutal than the summer heat is the energy bill you'll get from the electric company. Keeping your house cool can be a challenge when you want to keep your utility bills ...
How to Get Kids Interested in Saving Energy in the Home
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Families all over the UK are struggling to meet rising fuels costs, and many are coming up with increasingly imaginative ways to conserve energy in the home. For those that cannot afford the latest home ...
How a Humidifier Can Help You Save on Heating Costs
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Keeping a home warm in the winter months gets expensive quickly. Whether you use central heating or space heaters, keeping warm air in your home increases your energy bill as well as your impact on ...
Green Energy Sources That Are Becoming Mainstream
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Alternative energy sources are becoming more readily available to the average consumer for household use. It used to be that homeowners could only rely on the electrical utilities to provide them with their power requirements. ...
Energy Saving Tips for Your Washer and Dryer
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
The appliances in your home provide a great deal of convenience and help you get more done, but they can also increase your energy usage and electricity costs significantly. Your washer and dryer are just ...
Energy Companies Offering Customers Mobile Apps
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
An innovative way that a growing number of energy companies are engaging with their customers is through mobile device applications. With so many savvy consumers utilizing mobile technology in their daily lives, it just makes ...
Gas: Seven Tips for Staying Safe at Home
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you use gas in your home, it is extremely important to be aware of certain basic safety facts that will help you to prevent your gas appliances from malfunctioning and help to ensure that ...
All About Renewable Energy Sources
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Most of the world's energy is currently produced by the burning of fossil fuels. The thing about fossil fuels, however, is that they are finite. Eventually, there will be no more left to burn. When ...
7 Easy Ways to Lower Your Energy Usage in Summer
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
With warmer temperatures rapidly approaching, it’s a good time to adjust your energy usage to suit the season. Since we already tend to lighten up our mood and our clothing in summer, why not apply ...
Wall Insulation and Mold
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Wall insulation is a modern convenience most homeowners enjoy. Insulation makes the inside of a home more pleasant during both hot and cold times of the year since it traps in the air that you ...
Water Meters – Can They Save You Money?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Water meters are a growing way in the UK to keep track of water usage and pay for the exact amount that you use, and they are a great way to save money as well. ...
Unusual Solar Panels
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Conventional photovoltaic installations bring just what you’d expect: a technology that maybe isn’t the most fashionable thing to look at, but provides a sound source of alternative energy. Thankfully, innovators are coming up with some ...
Three of the UKs Top-Rated Green Electricity and Gas Suppliers
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you are concerned about the environmental effects of your energy usage and would like to ensure that at least some of the energy you use is derived from renewable sources, you may wish to ...
Moving in Gas Safety
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
In the excitement of moving into a new house or flat, there are so many things to do: Unpacking the dishes, putting up the curtains, meeting the new neighbors, exploring the area. With all that ...
Will Your Life Insurance Policy Be Taxed?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
It may be a cliché to say at this point, but it still holds true that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. This point is especially relevant if you are considering taking ...
Term Life Insurance Is The Most Affordable Policy That You Can Buy. There Are Many Kinds, Though
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
With most kinds of insurance, the insurance company keeps adding your premiums up to a fund in your name. If you happen to pass away before the insurance policy runs out, you get paid the ...
Getting Discount Home Insurance With a Claims Record
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Homeowners pay too much every year for utilities, insurance, and other recurring bills simply because they don't have the time or energy to contact companies and ask for a better deal, shop around before renewing, ...
Five Tips to Reduce Your House and Building Insurance Premiums House Building Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you're like the majority of homeowners in the UK, then your house is probably your biggest investment. While no one likes to think about bad things happening, the fact is that a catastrophe can ...
Finding the Best Home Insurance Rates if You Have a Criminal Conviction
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Insurance companies are in the business of assessing risk. As such, when it comes to home insurance rates, many providers will refuse outright anybody with a criminal conviction. This blanket refusal makes sense in many ...