Author's articles

Maintain your dirt bike during the whole year
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
You found your "monster" at least - a great powerful dirt bike with great performances. You feel like you were born with it, like you were riding whole your life. You are so attached that ...
Start living healthy, changing your eating habits
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
Your whole life you are trying to maintain your weight. You have probably heard many different diets for this purpose but here is a short summary of the things that you should do and you ...
Best horse movies of all times
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
Horses are one of the people’s favorite animals. They are so sweet, but in the same time so intelligent and so powerful. People love to ride them, but even those who have never went up ...
Stay safe while you drive you truck
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
Everybody knows that the most important thing for every driver is his own safety, the safety of the drivers around him, and of course the safety of the pedestrians. However from one or another reason ...
Motivation and visualization as methods for new beginning
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
Things in life can’t be always purple, maybe that is the whole point of being alive - things change. Sometimes you feel like you rule the world, like everything is going so smooth and there ...
Best games that augment the reality, for Android
By Marina Janakievska · 13 years ago
Augmented reality games are already familiar to the public, especially for the ones that own smart phone, which are literally addicted to these kinds of games. For the ones that are not familiar with this ...
Is 15th March the apocalyptic day for Facebook?!
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
One of the essential things that came along in the 21st Century and a thing that has altered the humanity and our aspects of life is unquestionably the social network named Facebook. At one time ...
Facebook is shutting down or what?
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
One of the crucial things that appeared in the 21st Century and a thing that has changed the world and our views of life is definitely the social network called Facebook. At once people decide ...
Your iPhone could help you loose weight!
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Your whole life you are watching out for your weight and you are already tired of doing this. Maybe the point is to enjoy our life, taking care for some things that are more important ...
Choose best Android shooting game
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
People that like video games want to embrace every potential opportunity to play their preferred game, so it’s not unusual that there are lots nice applications for cell phones. Lots Android phone users can catch ...
Find the best Android shooting games
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
People who love video games like to take every possible chance to play their favourite game, so it is not strange that exist so many good applications for mobile phones. Many Android phone users can ...
All the negative sides of meat eating, according to PETA
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
From day to day large number of people decides to stop using meat in their meals. There are countless and different reasons for doing that. People stop eating meat because they think that is better ...
Solve the mystery abound Venus in The Case of the Grand Slam Queen
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
A team of professionals in the games industry and sports celebrity managers established the enterprise Target Entertainment Properties. With over 40 years of collective background in business progression, marketing and games licensing, this group base ...
Games take an integral part in the overall growth of the kids
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
There is no such a jolly sound as babel of children playing in a careless manner outdoors. But it’s bitter to affirm that in these times children’s noise can be catch so rarely. In the ...
The great value of the outdoor games
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
There is no such a pleasant sound as a noise of children playing in a carefree manner out there. But it’s sad to say that these times children’s noise can be heard less and less. ...
Christmas Gift Ideas that don’t demand a lot of money
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Christmas is coming, people begin thinking about Christmas ornamentation but in the same time they think about the gifts they’re going to give each other this year. The adults maybe are not so much preoccupied ...
Find an interesting Christmas gift for your child
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Christmas is near, people start thinking about Christmas decorations but also they think about the presents they’re going to give each other this year. The grownups probably are not so much obsessed with this question, ...
And who is more important, Assange or the documents?!
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Apparently just a particular number of people have heard about the name Julian Assange earlier - the ones that were familiar with WikiLeaks, or that were curious about "the biggest cyberpunk in the world", but ...
What is hiding behind the story of Julian Assange?!
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Probably only a certain group of people have heard about the name Julian Assange before - the ones that were familiar with WikiLeaks, or that were interested about "the greatest hacker in the world", but ...
Increase the Halloween’s fun with new iPhone, iPad and iPod Apps
By Marina Janakievska · 14 years ago
Halloween is one of the most appealing holidays in the year, which is celebrated on October 31. Here are all the funny ceremonies related to this holiday – the amazing masquerade, trick-or-treating in costumes, the ...