Author's articles

The Essentials of Finding a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer
By Melvin Magadia · 16 years ago
Finding a Los Angeles car accident lawyer can be easy as long as you know where to find them. When looking for an automobile accident attorney, you should see to it that they are backed ...
How to Minimize Risks in Construction Sites
By Manuel Salvacion · 16 years ago
The construction site is obviously one of the most accident-prone places. The presence of machines, equipment and materials, and the activity of men make it an inherently risky place. In some cases, accidents also occur ...
Things to Consider When Planning a Retirement in Acton City
By Manuel Salvacion · 16 years ago
How does it feel to live in a place like the old rural west, amid native California Junipers in a valley flanked by the rolling Sierra Pelona and San Gabriel mountains? Dubbed as the "Beverly ...
SSI Benefits for Children with Disability
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is implementing two major benefits program focused on workers with disability. One of these two programs is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This program being administered by the SSA intends ...
An Overview of Social Security Disability Insurance
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
Two programs are being enacted by the federal government, which provides benefits for individuals with disability. Collectively, these programs are being referred to as "Social Security disability benefits." • Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits Program ...
Vital Personal Injury Laws in Los Angeles County
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
There are some fundamental personal injury laws contained in the laws being implemented in Los Angeles County that everyone need to be well informed about. Things you have to do in case you were injured ...
Knowing the Inclusions in the Articles of Partnership
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
The "Articles of Partnership" is a document commonly known as partnership agreement or partnership contract. This document is a contract voluntarily formed or agreed upon between two or several partners in a business defining their ...
Essential Points Concerning Employee Benefits
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
When you are seeking employment, it is understandable that the employee benefit package to be given by the company upon hiring or becoming regular rank high among your deciding factors whether to accept a job ...
Important Pointers in Filling up Disability Forms
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
It is understandable that you would find completing several forms during the process of your social security disability claim as one of its most confusing aspects. The first thing you may even question yourself while ...
Essential Steps to Take Right after an Accident
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
In the state of California, Los Angeles remains as one of the places with greatly congested and highly hazardous highways and streets. Further facts that contribute to this reality is the county's population which have ...
Do you know this Vehicle? SUV: Rollover Risks and Concerns
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
The Sports Utility Vehicle or SUV may be one of the bestseller vehicles in the United States after the records of its sales skyrocketed to over 25% during year 2004 brand new vehicle sales. This ...
Trial Attorneys Take on Loss of Consortium in California
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
There is an eclectic system in each state concerning the "Loss of Consortium" laws. However, most of the state's jurisdictions give permission to wives and husbands of those who have been victims, usually in a ...
A Review of Supplemental Security Income Benefits
By Lala C. Ballatan · 16 years ago
Another program being administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in ensuring social protection for the citizens of the United States is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The SSI program's main targets are the poverty-stricken ...
Rigors of Personal Injury Settlements
By Atty Gabriel Cosh · 17 years ago
Personal injury cases are considered as one of the more common forms of civil cases prevalent in our legal realm today. This usually involves claims that concerns individual negligence brought about by the act of ...
Accident in the High Seas
By Atty. Gabriel Cosh · 17 years ago
A journey to the Caribbean at this long, and dragging summer break is all that is needed to relieve one from his or her boring atmosphere. Hard work is all paid of when you get ...
What Business Entity should you assume?
By Lala C. Ballatan · 17 years ago
When starting a new business venture or expanding on an existing enterprise, you must think about what will benefit you most. It will benefit you much more if you consider your options carefully especially, concerning ...
Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents
By Rainier Policarpio · 17 years ago
In this generation wherein our roads are occupied by a large volume of vehicles, the chance of being stuck in a heavy traffic is quite high. This is one of the reasons people choose riding ...
Rattlesnake Bites
By John Luke Matthews · 17 years ago
We are all aware the rattlesnake bites could be deadly. At the least, they cause serious injuries to humans. Rattlesnakes are usually solitary and docile animals. They would rather turn away than engage possible adversaries. ...
Facts about Truck Accidents
By Rainier Policarpio · 17 years ago
A truck accident is very different from a car accident or from any other type of motor vehicle accident, for that matter. The difference is that truck drivers have limited visibility. A commercial truck’s driver ...
How Do You Prepare For Your FMLA Leave?
By John Luke Matthews · 17 years ago
Most employees are aware of this legal right called Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) but fear of taking advantage of it because of the repercussions it can bring for their job. But you really ...