Author's articles

Resume Writing Success - Nine Resume Turn Offs You Must Avoid
By Jay Edward Miller · 15 years ago
The conditions are perfect. The employer has a need and they want to interview you. To put it in marketing terms they are "ready to buy", but one quick look at your resume and they ...
Ten Little Online Mistakes that Can Sabotage Your Job Search
By Jay Edward Miller · 15 years ago
Your resume is the number one most power job search tool in your arsenal. It has the power to make you successful beyond your wildest dreams. But if you screw it up, it also has ...
How to Choose A Resume Writer
By Jay Edward Miller · 15 years ago
Resume writing is a skill and profession just like any other professional service. Unfortunately, many people are hanging up shingles, running ads, and showing up in cyberspace claiming to be resume writers when they have ...
The Ten Most Common Strategic Blunders People Make on Their Resume
By Jay Edward Miller · 15 years ago
A resume is essential when looking for a job. If you don't believe me, try conducting your job search without one. Even if your lucky enough get an interview without a resume, you will be ...