Author's articles

5 Amazing Ways Animation Is Changing How We Connect
By Alexander Belsey · 3 years ago
With the present moves towards online business, remote working, and the expanding global marketplace, it is easy to feel disconnected in a world that should be more connected than ever before. But due to the ...
5 Ways To Find The Faults With Your Car
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Is your car behaving badly? Acting strangely? Then it is time to get to the bottom of it with this quick checklist of five alternative ways to find the fault with your car! There are ...
Driving In 'The New Normal': 5 Key Things To Know
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
We are all adjusting to 'the new normal'. After a turbulent period around the world, many are now taking positive steps: coming out of national lockdowns or restrictions and returning to a regular routine. But ...
5 Easy Upgrades To Make To Your Home
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Many of us have been spending more time at home recently. Whether you are working from home, taking care of a family, or returning after a long day, the home remains where we spend a ...
10 Great Things To Do When Lockdown Ends
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
All over the world, many people have been confined to their homes due to national lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. But as the restrictions start to lift, for many a sense of excitement is ...
5 Simple & Effective Tips To Spring Clean Your Business
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Spring is the perfect time for fresh starts and new beginnings — and that goes for your business too. Spring cleaning may normally involve physically cleaning, decluttering, and organising your space, but in business, it ...
5 Great Ways To Upgrade Your Driving Experience
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Driving does not have to be tedious or monotonous. It can be comfortable, easy, and even exciting! Whether you are commuting to work, visiting friends and family, running errands, or doing the school run, a ...
From Plasticine To Digital: The Development Of Three-Dimensional Animation
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Early Animations The earliest form of 3-D animation evolved prior to the use of computers. Long before the evolution of fully digitally animated, three-dimensional movies such as Frozen, a technique known as 'claymation' was used ...
5 Key Changes In The Transport Industry That YOU Need To Know About
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
These are turbulent times. Upheaval, change, and unprecedented circumstances have been seen all over the world. Whatever your field, you are bound to have noticed major shifts in the way that your industry operates. This ...
6 Simple & Easy Ways To Help The Environment: At Home & At Work
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Many of us are looking for quick and easy ways that we can help the environment. We know the planet is precious and want to find ways to help, but also may find it easy ...
The Emerging Green Face Of Transport: And 5 Ways To Keep Up!
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Transport is a rapidly changing industry. With governments, businesses, and individuals keen to make environmentally-friendly choices, transport could easily get left behind. But it doesn’t have to! The way we drive, the way we travel, ...
Why You Should Continue With SEO After You've Reached Your Ranking Targets
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
If you've hired an SEO company to get you ranking high in the Google search results, and they do get you ranking high, then it's job done, right? Wrong! SEO should be considered a continual ...
The 4 ‘Nasties’ You Can Remove With Regular Carpet Cleaning
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Carpets and flooring can be a magnet for dirt. Scuffs, stains, and sticky patches are a daily occurrence in some of the most highly used areas of the home. But did you know that clean ...
The Top 10 Reasons Employees Leave Their Jobs — And How To Combat Them
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Since 2010, the number of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs has continued to climb. But what accounts for these statistics? Are workers really less happy in their jobs than they were a decade ago, even ...
How To Switch Careers In 7 Steps
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Major changes and upheavals in recent months have presented a serious challenge, but they can also be a time for growth and transformation. With many people having more time on their hands during lockdown, or ...
How Harmful Are Your Dirty Carpets?
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Carpets are one of the most popular and common types of flooring in the UK. They are said to bring comfort to a room, provide warmth and insulation, and even add a feeling of luxury. ...
Five Ways To Create A More Inclusive Workplace
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
An inclusive workplace is better for everyone — not just those with disabilities. The more diverse your workforce, the broader the range of talent, insights, and innovation that you are inviting into your company. A ...
Animation Software: The Evolutions And The Options
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
In recent years, all animations from film to games have started life on someone's computer. Over the last four decades, animation has moved from cartoon, to CGI, and beyond - creating some of the most ...
Character Building: 3 Unexpected Ways Animation is Used in Marketing
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
As the importance of social media as a marketing platform has risen, it’s become harder than ever to stand out. Companies are going to extraordinary lengths to attract (and maintain) the attention of potential customers, ...
Business In The 2050s: How The Future Of Work Might Look
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
Predictions of the future are often wildly inaccurate. For example, Back To The Future promised us hoverboards, while almost everyone who saw Blade Runner couldn’t wait to get their hands on a flying car. Unfortunately, ...