Author's articles

You Can Better Sell Your Accounting Firm with a Monthly Email Newsletter
By Brian Oconnell · 14 years ago
Meet Diana. She runs a catering firm and is always behind with paying her five employees on time. Although Diana likes her accountant, she's not on top of her finances. Her accountant sends her a ...
What's a CMS and could it Save Your Firm Money?
By Brian Oconnell · 14 years ago
Are you are paying somebody to run your website? There´s very nearly nothing worse for your image than having an aged web site full of spent facts just because you´re dreading the cost of updating ...
What is Twitter and Can it Help Me Market My CPA Firm?
By Brian Oconnell · 14 years ago
Twitter's marketing value is being hotly argued right now. Will the ROI justify the time spent on Twitter? Many number crunchers say "no". Twitter also has a lot of converts, though. A lot of marketers ...