Author's articles

‘Whataboutism,’ Is There Such a Thing?
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
If everyone is guilty of something, is no one guilty of anything? Morality doesn’t pick sides. It doesn’t care about borders, political ideologies, socio-economic status, religions, genders, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or whether you like ...
Present Yourself as a ‘No Brainer’ to Hire
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
A few jobs back, HR had scheduled four interviews, throughout my day, for a position I had open. The first interview went “okay.” The second candidate, however, impressed me so much I hired him on ...
You Believing Hiring Should Be Fair is the Problem
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
Unless you’re getting job offers, you probably perceive how employers hire to be unfair. Every job seeker has a list of why they’re the most deserving over all the other job seekers—they’re: - qualified, skilled, ...
As a Job Seeker There Are 3 Job Search Truisms You Need to Accept
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
A job search has many moving parts; your mindset is the most critical part. Tackling challenges, such as a job search, is easier if you have the right mindset. Job search success isn’t achieved through ...
The Pandemic Has Given Each of Us Chance to Reset Our Lives
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
I’m not a “plant person.” I have a few houseplants in my condo, but they’re working plants that inhabit my domain to purify the air. Only the most hearty and tolerant plants (e.g., aloe, snake ...
Will Social Media Companies Ever Make Fighting Online Abuse a Priority?
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
Is it just me who believes we’ve lost our ability to have civil discourse? Every day, we rely on social media platforms to engage with like-minded people, promote ourselves, our work, and/or business. Unfortunately, the ...
Happiness Catch-22: Wanting More Makes Us Unhappy
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
From 2001 to 2004, I worked/lived in India. I saw firsthand heartbreaking poverty. My takeaway from my experience in India is that North Americans have no real problems, just 1st world problems. Our financial stress, ...
The Perils of Trying to Impress on Social Media
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
Many jobs ago, before social media had yet to become the disrupter it is today, I had dinner with an advertising executive at a downtown Toronto steak house. Between the porterhouse steaks, a bottle of ...
There's No Universal Hiring Methodology
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
Of all business activities, the most subjective is the hiring process. The hard truth: Human bias and gut feel are intricate parts of the hiring process, and therefore, there’s no universal hiring methodology. Ultimately the ...
As a Job Seeker Look for Your Tribe
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
If you’re having a tough time with your job search, I guarantee it’s because you’re trying to fit yourself into companies where you don’t belong. The advice I give most often to jobseekers: “Search for ...
Before Joining ‘The Great Resignation’ Rethink Your Current Employer
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
My addiction to job hunting (“the hunt”) has made me somewhat of an expert at landing jobs—and a job hopper. “Look at me! I’m moving on to greener pastures!”, “I’m going to where I’ll be ...
When Job Hunting Make Finding a Great Boss Your Priority
By Nick Kossovan · 2 years ago
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Over the course of my career, I learned the “hard way” that it’s better to report to a good boss at a bad company than a bad ...