Author's articles

Who has the Right to Control another Adult's Life Without their Consent?
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
The simple answer to that difficult question is that no one ever has the right to control another person's life. The only control a citizen of any country should experience is to follow the laws ...
Checklist for the Essential Elements of Good Mental Health
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
Modern living can be very challenging for many people. Unfortunately, there is a crisis in mental health today in our country that is affecting all of our lives and killing our children. Mentally ill people ...
It is more Important than Ever that we Guard against Selfish and Criminal Charismatic Leaders.
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
We have recently seen how our ex-president was able to rally his followers to become a dangerous mob that violently attacked our capital on January 6th with the intent of destroying our democracy. Because we ...
What Actions can we Take to Prevent our Country from Becoming an Autocracy?
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
Democracy cannot protect itself. It needs constant attention and effort from all of us to keep it functioning well so it can continue to be a shield of justice for its citizens from the dangerous ...
How can America Fulfill its Promise and Become a more Compassionate and Democratic Country?
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
For the past few years, I have been very concerned about the growing hate and violence in America and I have been wondering how we can begin to make the changes needed to strengthen our ...
Be a Human Rights Advocate
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
All people who care about their children and grandchildren want to build the best country and the best and most peaceful world for themselves and their families to live in. The only question that we ...
Dangerous New Epidemics in our Country and in the World--Hate and Anger
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
While hate and anger have been with us since the beginning of time, it has recently become more widespread because of the wider spread of disinformation available by increased special interest media coverage and the ...
Who is Responsible for the Mass Shootings in America?
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
This week we all experienced the terrible tragedy and loss of 19 young Children and 2 teachers in the school shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. In the aftermath of that horrific ...
Young People, Women, Independents, Minorities-- You Can Save our Democracy
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
There was a time when we could live our personal lives without thinking too much about what was happening in our country. Except for those rare occasions where some government official was caught in a ...
A Question for Moderate Republicans
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
I have been voting for a very long time. Sometimes democrats won and sometimes republicans won. The issues that we voted on then were simple. Republicans voted for fiscal responsibility and lower taxes and democrats ...
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
Cartoonist Walt Kelly modified and changed Commodore Perry’s famous quote to, “We have met the enemy and he is us” in a cartoon he created in 1970 celebrating the first Earth Day in 1970. The ...
A Society in Transition
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
We all are aware that change in our personal lives is difficult, constant, and inevitable. We notice it when we look in the mirror or see our children grow. What is not so noticeable, however, ...
The Inevitability of Change
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
“Everything changes. Nothing remains without change” –Buddha Change is Inevitable. Whether we suffer a painful loss, endure the breakup of a relationship or lose a job, we can never escape the consequences of change. Although ...
The Assault on Science
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
When I was a young girl, there was a great respect for people of science (doctors, scientists etc.). We trusted them and felt that the contributions of all of our world scientists had made our ...
The Many Faces of Anger
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
Recently we saw the expression of long held anger by large numbers of people of different races and ethnicities explode in our country. When anger is suppressed for long periods of time, the lack of ...
Democracy in the Crosshairs
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
I have been a witness to the democratic process for many, many years. I have participated in numerous elections that have brought to office Democrats and Republicans of various philosophies and styles, but I have ...
Change your Day--Change your Life
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
If you belong to that happy, lucky group of people in the world that like their lives just as they are than this article is not for you, but if you unfortunately belong to the ...
The Continuing Fight for Equality
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed, by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."-- ...
The Search for Meaning
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
I recently read an article about Viktor Frankl 1905-1997 the Austrian psychiatrist and best selling author of the “Man's Search for Meaning.” He was an Auschwitz survivor who wrote this book after the war in ...
A Question of Survival
By June Stepansky · 3 years ago
Recently I was watching the movie Conquest of Paradise with Gerard Depardieu, a movie about Columbus and his discovery of the new world. As I was watching the cruelty that occurred in those days (1492)– ...