Author's articles

Do Something
By June Stepansky · 4 years ago
I have been waiting for many years for the Republicans in Congress to act to make our country safer from mass shootings I thought they would do something when 20 children and 6 adults were ...
Aging--Challenges and Options
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Aging-- Challenges and Options To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living. --Henri Frederic Ameil We are all ...
Examining our Thoughts and Decisions
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
My thoughts move me in a multiplicity of directions. I think I shall. I thought I should. I won’t. I will. My thoughts, the harbingers of my future, propel me somewhere. Our thoughts and decisions ...
Balance and Planning
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
A juggler knows the importance of balance. A tight-rope walker understands the necessity of balance. I, too, try to balance the days, the weeks, the years, into a kind of symmetry. A life that has ...
Love and Dependency
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
They will love me, if I speak what they want to hear. They will love me, if I become their vision of me. They will love me if they can be my Pygmalion, and I ...
A Vision of Utopia
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Utopia--- a place in which human society, natural conditions, etc., are so ideally perfect that there is complete contentment Before we can hope to shape the future, we must first examine the past, because we ...
Guidelines for all Religions and for all People of Goodwill for a Loving and Peaceful World
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
People of different views and different lifestyles share many similar values and ideals. These guidelines are about our shared similarities that emphasize how alike we all really are. Here are some of the values on ...
Success, Happiness and a More Meaningful Life
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Achieving Personal Success What is an important key to achieving personal success? Before this question can be answered, we must define what we mean by personal success. Many of us equate personal success with power ...
An Open Letter to Young People
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Youth is a wonderful time for growth and opportunity, although for many young people it is also a time of extra stress and difficult decisions. Many of you are trying to decide where you will ...
Personal Responsibility
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
As a society, our books, movies and our national sympathies seem to admire those individuals who are risk takers and live the adventurous life--those who risk all for fame and fortune. This makes for very ...
An Open Letter to People in Power
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
"Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in Mankind." John Donne From the beginning of time when the first group of humans walked on the earth so many millions of years ago, the ...
The Challenges of Parenting
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
A Lebonese poet and novelist Kahil Gibran (1883-1931) wrote some wise advice to parents about their children. The following Quotes are from his book "The Prophet" "Your children are not your children. They are life’s ...
About Men
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
All of us whether we are men or woman have men in our lives that we care about. They are our fathers, our brothers, our sons and our partners and what we hope for them ...
About Women
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
For a long time women have been questioning the roles that society imposed on them. We saw it in the novels of Edith Wharton in the early 1900’s about the restricted lives of women. We ...
Random Thoughts About War
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
War is a complex problem which will not be easy to solve. The reason for this is that war has many underlying causes that are often difficult to identify and change. There are economic imperatives ...
An Open Letter to Religious Leaders
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Primitive groups millions of year ago began religious practices in response to their fear of the unknown and often terrifying world in which they lived, and to try to understand the mysterious forces of the ...
A New View of Crime and Punishment
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Whether we live in poor areas or more affluent environments, we are all affected by the crime around us and the fear it engenders in all of us. Long ago people viewed crime in a ...
The Complexity of Sex
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
First and foremost we need to understand that sexuality is a natural function of our bodies like eating or sleeping. As such, we need to treat it like any other bodily function with understanding and ...
Freedom of Speech in a Diverse World
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
Voltaire (1694—1778) said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". That statement made so long ago is more timely than ever. As ...
Greed in our Time
By June Stepansky · 5 years ago
"Greed is Good !"--from the movie "Wall Street" More than 2000 years ago the wise and famous scholar Hillel wrote " If I am not for myself who will be for me. If I am ...