Author's articles

Cheap VS Expensive Mattresses: How to Get the Best Value for Money
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
Walk into any retail store, or browse online, and you may be surprised at the difference in price for a mattress, which can range anywhere from $300 to $3,000 or more. Unfortunately, this price disparity ...
Do I need to flip my mattress?
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
To flip or not to flip? That is the question. It’s a commonly held belief that a mattress should be flipped at regular intervals to help prevent uneven wear and tear and to help promote ...
5 Steps on How to Declutter Your House for Sale
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
We all know that chaos and mess can be a big turn-off for potential buyers, so you must get your house organized and decluttered. Decluttering the house may feel overwhelming and paralyzing at first. However, ...
When to pour your polished concrete
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
So, you or the owner have made the decision to lay polished concrete flooring. But when is the best time to pour it to make sure you get the best results? Building a house or ...
Co-working: What’s the big deal?
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
Over the last few years, Co-working Spaces have been popping up everywhere. Don’t believe me? Grab your phone and do a quick Google maps search - a 3-mile radius around you -surprise! You’ve been invaded ...
Selecting the Right Tree Shape for Your Space
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
Whether you’re planting a new tree from scratch, or replacing a sick or damaged tree, the type of tree you choose will have a profound impact on the appearance of your property, including the potential ...
Five of the most common accidents in underground mining
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
The mining sector represents a huge slice of the global economy, employing millions of people worldwide and producing coal, metal and non-metal minerals from thousands of mine sites. Mining is a dangerous occupation in itself, ...
Skip bin limitations
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
When it comes to removing waste, you might think it’s as easy as throwing it in the bin and waiting for it to be collected and taken away. Whilst you wouldn’t far off, it’s not ...
Go-Karting Tips and Tricks to Help You Become a Better Racer
By Don Milne · 4 years ago
Whether you are just getting into go-karting for the first time, or you have a few years of experience under your belt, it’s always a good idea to be familiar with the tips, tricks, and ...
How to Reinforce a Sagging Shelf
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
When you have an old shelf sagging down the middle, it can make your display look unsightly and pose a safety risk to yourself and others. This typically occurs when the shelf is either poorly ...
10 Costume Party Ideas You Never Thought Of
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
When you’re hosting a costume party, the hardest (and most important) part can be deciding on a theme. After all, it’s what everything hinges on – the decorations, what you’ll be wearing, maybe even the ...
Detecting the early signs of Alzheimer's disease
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
Are you concerned about your mental alertness? Or perhaps you’re worried about a loved one instead? There are several different symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and being able to detect them at an early stage can ...
10 tips for preparing your business to sell
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
If selling your business is your intention – whether immediately or in the next 2 or even 5 years – there are several things you can start putting into place to ensure it’s ready. Then ...
Why more people are installing CCTV at home (and how they work)
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
CCTV stands for closed circuit television whereby video feeds are sent to private monitors and are usually automatically recorded for surveillance. The duration of how long your recordings are saved for will depend on the ...
Car air conditioning problems? How to fix it
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
With summer literally just around the corner, having car air conditioning problems can be a real hot mess. Fact is, cars naturally retain more heat than the outside temperature which means that you’re sitting there ...
Everything You Need to Do Before You Move Overseas
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
Moving overseas is a big life change. There are so many things to think about before you move that it can be easy to get overwhelmed. To make sure you don't forget anything, start organising ...
Why you shouldn't short-change your bedroom
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
Think about how many hours you spend in your bedroom each week? Even if you’re simply getting back from work and crashing out, the hours still mount up. Having a bedroom that helps your mental ...
Xero vs MYOB: which one is better?
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
Accounting for your small business has never been smoother thanks to the advent of cloud-integrated software. Deciding which brand to choose though, can be the hardest part. In Australia, Xero and MYOB are the most ...
How to integrate a platform lift into your smart home.
By Don Milne · 5 years ago
Technology can be a wonderful thing, especially when it helps you live your day-to-day life. Installing a platform lift can help you to move freely between the different levels of your house. Especially if you, ...
7 Corporate ideas for team building that aren’t boring
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Are you starting to notice a slump in mood around the office? Perhaps your team isn’t working as well together or you have a new team who need to integrate? It could be time to ...