Author's articles

5 recent high profile battles over copyright of popular songs
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Your favourite song on the radio could be embroiled in a copyright battle with mil-lions of dollars at stake, and you’d never know it. With plaintiffs seeking everything from huge payouts to ongoing royalties, copyright ...
Things you didn't realise contributed to a bad credit rating
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Your credit rating can dictate every part of your future plans, from buying a house to paying for your next holiday. Here are the top things you may not realise affect your credit rating. 1. ...
Should I do my own tax return?
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
To quote the famous satirist, Dorothy Parker "We hate doing our taxes, but we love having done our taxes". Especially if there’s a refund coming. It’s also natural to hate paying for things that you ...
Best Men’s Hairstyles for 2017
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
2017 was an exciting year for men’s hairstyles. This year saw the continuation of many popular styles from previous years, such as the quiff, long hairstyles with thick beards, undercut fades, and the resurgence of ...
How do I know if I have bad credit?
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
The best way to find out where your credit rating sits is to check your credit score. There's three main credit reporting agencies in Australia, and under government legislation, you are entitled to one free ...
What should I consider when I upgrade my home
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
All homes aren’t created equal, but thanks to home automation systems, you can add exceptional value to your home in a way only a few people have discovered. From automated lighting controls to blinds and ...
5 things to consider before you buy a multifunction printer for the office
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Multifunction printers can save your business money and streamline your daily activities, but it’s handy to know what functionality to look for before you buy. Here are the key things to consider before deciding to ...
Getting ready for the Avengers Infinity Wars premier
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
This year will see the release of the new Avengers movie and whether you have big kids or little kids, it’s sure to create a buzz. The shops will be full of merchandise to help ...
How do storms impact wastewater pumps
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
If there’s one natural disaster that impacts all of Australia at a rate that no other natural disaster comes close to, the award would go to stormy weather. With storms that amount to cyclones the ...
How to avoid a car crash
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Car crashes are an unfortunate reality of driving, but they don’t have to be yours. Here are a few things to think about to prevent an accident, and on-road considerations. Scenarios to help you avoid ...
When is it time to consider surgery to treat hair loss?
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Hair loss is an unfortunate reality for many people, and with countless treatments options available it’s hard to know when to turn to a surgical option. Here are the signs that tell you it’s time ...
What to know about shoreline cleanup
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
The process of a shoreline cleanup will vary from one instance to another depending on the type of waste spilt and the severity of it. Albeit no two spills are the same, the one thing ...
Biofilters for air pollution control
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Biofiltration has always been an existing concept for air pollution control deriving from as early as 1923 where biological methods were proposed to treat odorous emissions. Advancements in research and technology started in Germany circa ...
The Role of a Conveyancing Lawyer during the Home Loan Process
By Don Milne · 6 years ago
Purchasing a new home often is an overwhelming process with many hurdles and legalities that the ordinary Aussie individual may not be familiar with. It is widely accepted as practical knowledge that a conveyancing lawyer ...