Author's articles

Need Fathering In Your Life?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
As we already started diving into in last week’s issue, Fathering is a very important concept in our life. From "fathering" comes discipline, the self-discipline we need to really succeed at our life. How disciplined ...
How Is Your Self-Discipline?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Sometimes we forget, or give up on, what we want to do… Sometimes we get side tracked or distracted and can’t seem to get traction… Sometimes we are afraid to follow are dreams… We believe ...
Keep Having The Same Old Fight?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Life can be as hectic as can be this time of year with End-of-School and Summer Planning. These stressors create great strain for couples as they juggle the multitude of demands and additional expenses in ...
Have A Memoriable Summer
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
s we embark on this long holiday weekend kicking off the Summer, it is the perfect time to ponder upon what kind of Summer we’d like to have… By now most choices for academic and ...
Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Something that is amazingly striking is how vulnerable we are in all aspects of our humanness. And, how hard we can be on ourselves (and with others!) to top it off! In the stories I ...
Caring Is Not Just For Mothers!
By Emma K. Viglucci Of Metr Viglucci · 5 years ago
First, if you are a Mom, sending you lots of love and appreciation for all you do and endure as a Mom… Second, if you are not a Mom, I’m sure there is a Mom ...
Are You Being Negative?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Have you noticed that whatever you are dealing with, more of it shows up in your life? It can even start to feel like the universe is playing a joke on you. Have you had ...
Your Partner Not Meeting Your Needs?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Life is gorgeously full and a consistent invitation to approach what’s important with intentionality, ease, presence, and mindfulness. For in how we carry ourselves impacts the experiences we create, and the Journey we live… It ...
Start A New Relationship, With Your Partner
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
It’s been a wonderful Season so far of clearing, replenishing, and resetting ourselves. As we move into the lovely holiday weekend with Passover and Easter, if you observe, we can expand on the meaning of ...
Resource Yourself, Uplevel Your Marriage
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
… Newness generates inspiration, energy, motivation, momentum, new heights… How do you keep things Fresh in your life? How do you inspire and motivate yourself? How do you strive for new heights? Building on our ...
Re-energize Your Life
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Life is full of little wonderful surprises if we allow ourselves to see them and let them in… When was the last time you were delighted by the unexpected? Are you being flexible with your ...
Spring Clean Your Soul
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
In last week’s issue we covered Detox. Another Springtime favorite is of course – Spring Cleaning. I like to cover the usual topics from a different angle that include a personal growth/wellness and relational enrichment ...
Detox Your Life And Your Relationship
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
It was incredibly nice disconnecting from the usual during our Spring Break… Even when life is grand it’s nice to change things up. I found myself not interested on being on my phone or any ...
Are You Achieving Your Relationship Goals?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Mid-March – how about them apples? Times flies when you are having fun, or are too busy! LOL Hopefully it’s the former for you. How is it going? Having a good week? Having a good ...
How To Get Over Winter Blahs
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I like to get into Spring Mode early to extend the warmer seasons as much as possible… It’s harder to do when the weather wants to continue to show its winter colors though. LOL But ...
When Your Partner Baits You
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
We are in charge of how we choose to experience our life moments, and what we choose to do with them… This is a choice we can make about anything, at any time… Even in ...
Are You Controlling?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I’ve been knee deep in upgrading my personal routines and Wellness, Connection & Success Habits™. I do practice what I preach! LOL I’ve been having so much fun exploring and playing with resources to assist ...
Yes, You Can Love Too Much
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I’ve been writing about stepping it up and fully embracing showering your partner with lots of love. And, I wholeheartedly stand by my position to embrace the Valentine’s Day cliché. But, I also want to ...
How To Get More Love From Your Partner
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
We are just days away from Valentine’s Day. Are you embracing the Love Month? Is your whole house decorated pink like mine is? Haha, just kidding! You believed that though, didn’t you? Yes, I’m known ...
Create Your Best Relationship Year
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
As we wrap up January, things start to perk up. We start getting more traction and picking up momentum for the year. If you have been cranking all along, the more power to you! You ...