Author's articles

How To Save Your Relationship
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
How do we make sure this year our relationship is better than ever before? Speaking from personal experience, self-care is the key… And, as I’ve been writing, self-care comes in many forms – from having ...
Treat Yourself, Please Your Partner
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
How do you like to spend your snow days? Indoor or outdoor? Do you have any fun rituals or traditions? How can you make the time more special? Actually, how can you make your weekends ...
Dating In Your Current Relationship?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
The longer we are with our partner and the more time goes on, there is a tendency for complacency, laziness, neglect, taking-for-grantedness, and boredom in the relationship. These are common to relationships after the honeymoon ...
How To Get To The Best From Your Partner
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me what couples can accomplish and how they are able to turn their relationship around when they set their mind to it! I have literally seen miracles happen… I have ...
The Time Of Your Life ...
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
As I’ve written before, one of the reasons some couples’ relationships deteriorate over time is because the partners get lured by life away from their partner… Partners work hard at their jobs and become involved ...
Energy, Passion & Sex
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Couples frequently come to my practice expressing that they have lost something or that something is missing in their relationship. They complain there is no passion. They share that they are good friends, but want ...
New Habits, Routines And Motivation
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I LOVE this time of year to set myself up for an amazing new one. Everything I walked you through in the past few blogs, all captured here: How to Waltz into the New Year, ...
Show-Up To Your Relationship And Rekindle It To Life
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
It is just the way it is for some couples. After a while they can’t feel their partner. They don’t feel loved and actually believe their partner doesn’t care about them. They feel like just ...
Tips For Revitalizing The Passion Starved Relationship
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Most couples can revitalize their relationship after they’ve lost desire for each other and/or after being in their non-sexual relationship (10 sexual encounters a year (less than one per month) for a while, even for ...
Giving To Yourself For Ultimate Success
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I know not everybody enjoys and thrives during the holidays. Most actually don’t and struggle. I’m sorry if this is you. Tackling our Holiday and Year-End Process™ (HYP) might help… I know that our clients ...
Experience The Healing Of A Self Practice
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I hope you are having a magnificent week! A lot of folks are away enjoying the last of the Summer Season while others are already in the throes of preparation for back-2-school. At this end, ...
Letting Go, Productivity And Meaningful Holidays
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
I noticed that when the weather and seasons don’t line up as we expect them, that we are a little thrown off. If you are feeling rushed, discombobulated, and a bit out of sorts this ...
Acknowledge And Celebrate Your Accomplishments
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
Hope this issue finds you feeling amazing! I’m having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude toward our clients and how our relationship enriches my own Life. If you work with us, know that I truly appreciate ...
Live By Your Character And Practical Strengths
By Emma K. Viglucci · 5 years ago
Hope you are having an amazing week and are enjoying this summer-like weather! I’m ready for my mums, pumpkins and fall wardrove, but I’m still ok with the sun and warm weather… It’s been hectic ...
Give The Gift Of Understanding And Compassion...
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
In this day and age, especially in this culture, where success and happiness tend to be measured in terms of material accumulation, it makes sense that gifting follows the same pattern. The holidays have become ...
Blast The Winter Blues With More Love
By Emma K. Viglucci · 5 years ago
Right about now I know many are feeling discombobulated, overwhelmed, unmotivated, anxious, depressed, lost. This is not uncommon for this time of year. There is such a let down from the frenzy of the holidays ...
Are You Over Committed And Stretched Too Thin?
By Emma K. Viglucci · 5 years ago
It doesn’t fully look like Autumn yet, but it’s beginning to feel like it with the slight chill in the air and the days getting shorter. It feels cozy but not in a lazy kind ...
Get Rid Of The Negativity In Your Life
By Emma K. Viglucci · 5 years ago
And, how are you doing? What theme do you have currently going on? What new approach, system, structure, plan, routine, and such have you implemented for a smoother Autumn? Do you recognize any old patterns ...
Use Your Feelings To Your Advantage
By Emma K. Viglucci · 5 years ago
As we continue to settle into September, Back-to-School and the Hectic/Q4 Season, it is paramount that we are in tip top shape to handle the demands and opportunities of the Season. We all have different ...
The Power of Having Intentional Habits™
By Emma Viglucc · 5 years ago
It is my sincerest wish that you have gotten everything you’ve wanted out of the Summer Season this year. If as you read that statement there is a little voice that says, I wish, or, ...