
Offshore Banking: Cayman Islands, Seychelles, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Bahamas, Gibraltar and Netherlands Antilles
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Banking is one of the most important sectors of the world economy as it influences investment, consumption and other business activities. Furthermore, banking has a substantial impact on the circulation of money and thus influences ...
Registration Of Charges In Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Charges and mortgages are two instruments that ensure creditors’ protection. Precisely, all creditors need to ensure that they will receive payment for their services or that their loan will be repaid. Charges give the right ...
Useful Tips for startups to enter Singapore
By Paul Didkovskiy · 8 years ago
Probably, the Singapore government is the most advanced in the world in the terms of developing IT industry. Local authorities allocate "tons" of money for grants and supporting business initiatives. This is facilitated by the ...
Basic Requirements To Set Up A Cyprus Investment Firm
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Cypriot investment firms (CIFs) provide investment services on a professional basis inside or outside Cyprus. A CIF cannot offer professional investment services without being licenced by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Generally, CySEC authorises ...
Child Abduction Regulations in Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Parental care is the right and duty given to both parents, to take important decisions concerning the life of their children. In Cyprus, parental care is regulated by Law 216/1990. Based on the provisions of ...
Drunk Driving Regulations in Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Drunk Driving Regulations in Cyprus Police announced that during January, more than 7.000 drivers had been breathalysed in the whole country, and the 8.25% found to be over the legal limit . Following the provisions ...
The Important Role of a Tax Attorney
By John Williams · 8 years ago
Taxes are not voluntary. The law of the land stipulates that each entity irrespective of whether a business or individual is needed by law to file tax returns. The businesses in particular must pay up ...
Regulation Of Investment Services And Operation Of Investment Activities In Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Cyprus is a major financial and investment centre in the EU and internationally. As a result, there is a requirement for an effective and efficient regulatory framework. In Cyprus, the Cyprus Security Exchange Commission (CySEC) ...
Immovable Property Law In Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Cyprus is an attractive location for immovable property investments for many reasons. On the one hand, the considerable law taxation schemes, the reliable legal framework and the straightforward bureaucratic procedures motivate business people to invest ...
Regulations For Private Ship Security Companies In Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Shipping is among the most important sectors of the Cyprus economy. In addition, Cyprus is one of the biggest fleets in the EU and internationally. The geographic location of Cyprus, the double tax treaties with ...
How to start a publishing business in Singapore?
By Paul Didkovsky · 8 years ago
Singapore can boast of highly literacy population and as we all know, people gain knowledge from books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc. If we add to this strong regime of intellectual property protection, ease of starting ...
Double Taxation Agreement Between Cyprus and Ukraine
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
The Cyprus taxation scheme together with the simple bureaucratic procedures motivates business people and investors to launch their business activities in Cyprus. In addition, Cyprus maintains double tax treaties with more than 40 countries. Recently, ...
Workplace Accidents in Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Employers have a duty of case and responsibility in protecting their employees, business partners, independent contractors and visitors. In other words, employers must take the necessary measures in order to maintain the working environment in ...
How to set up a company in Cyprus: guidelines and procedures
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Cyprus is an attractive business and investment centre in the EU and internationally. The considerable tax incentives together with the limited bureaucratic procedures motivate entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world to launch their ...
Road Accidents and Personal Injury in Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 8 years ago
Personal Injury and Road Accidents: Michael Chambers& Co. LLC offers NO WIN NO FEE service A road accident caused as a result of poor road maintenance or by negligent drivers may lead to a severe ...
Q&A about setting a Singapore company
By Phelicia Phua · 8 years ago
Here is an article with short questions and clear answers about the registration and support of Singapore companies. 1. How are certified Singapore documents for use abroad? Singapore has not acceded to The Hague Apostille ...
Alcohol Testing in the Workplace
By Earl White · 8 years ago
Have you ever gone to work and noticed that one of your fellow co-workers just doesn’t seem to be acting right? You notice that their eyes appear to be blood shot and you think that ...
What a Conveyancing Solicitor Can Do For You
By Richard Shaw · 8 years ago
Conveyancing is an important and necessary process when buying or selling a property. Often times, the services of a professional conveyance is called upon to make sure that their client’s rights are properly protected, as ...
The Challenges of Consecutive Interpreting: Why It’s Vital to Hire an Expert
By Kirti Vagadia · 8 years ago
Language translation services are not without their challenges at the best of times, and consecutive interpreting is certainly a more complicated art to master than most. Unlike conventional forms of interpretation and transcription services, consecutive ...
New Quebec Immigrant Investor Program Checklist
By Ani Atanasova · 9 years ago
On July 15, MIDI issued a new checklist to replace the controversial document checklist of December 2014. This new QIIP document checklist brings significant improvements to the file preparation process for applicants and their agents. ...