
Company Formation in Cyprus
By Theodoros Charalambous · 9 years ago
Corporations that are registered in Cyprus are subject to the Cyprus Company’s Law [Cap.113] which is modelled on the English Companies Act, 1948. Having said that, through the years a number of amendments have been ...
Minimising Legal Risks when Hiring Labour Hire Workers
By Waylon Grimm · 9 years ago
Every start-up company knows that the key to success is to have a team of hardworking employees who possess the necessary skills that match your needs. In looking for the best employees, you can either ...
What to do if you are involved in an auto accident
By Marcus Gross · 9 years ago
STOP - DO NOT LEAVE THE SCENE: In Florida, if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of how minor, you are required to stop. The failure to do so could result in ...
Hiring The Right Criminal Defense Attorney
By Charles J Kania · 9 years ago
If you are arrested and charged with a felony, you are about to enter the most stressful time in your life. At first you won't know what to do or what to say. A million ...
7 Secrets Your Consultants Won’t Tell You
By Eugene Vollucci · 9 years ago
Paraphrasing an old saying: If you act as your own attorney, you have a fool for a client. This also applies to a real estate investor who tries to act as property manager, real estate ...
The Signs of a Genuine and Decent Notary Public
By Gaur Law · 9 years ago
A notary public is a person who has been appointed by a government official high up the food chain of the government to be the official government witness to any and every legal matter of ...
Why Must You Make A Will - Malaysian Perspective
By Yong Chai · 9 years ago
A will is a declaration of a person’s intention concerning the disposition of his property after his death. It has no legal effect until the death of the testator (the person who makes a will). ...
I Have Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
False accusations of sexual assault can haunt you for the rest of your life. Penalties for conviction vary wildly from case to case, as these charges can be extremely complex and difficult to work through. ...
Possession of Child Porn -- What Can Happen to Me?
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
If you're convicted of possession of child pornography, you can face some of the harshest consequences in the nation. Penalties include a criminal record, jail time, fines, and listing on the sexual offender registry. You ...
When Child Sexual Assault Charges Are False
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
Child sexual assault cases are some of the most difficult for a defendant to go through. The social stigma, from your community to loved ones to media judgment, may be the worst thing you experience ...
Can I Be Removed from the Megan's Law Registry?
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
If you're charged with child sexual assault, a conviction can lead to prison time, lifetime parole and, most seriously, registration on the sex offender registry known as Megan's Law. Registration on this list severely restricts ...
Please Help! I Was Charged with Sexual Assault
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
Charges of sexual assault hold serious consequences in our culture. They can change your life, your reputation, your relationships, and your standing in society. The stigma, whether or not you're convicted, can follow you around ...
Is a criminal record holding you back?
By Carmen Gallardo · 9 years ago
The generation we live in shows us through movies and books that regardless of what you have done wrong, you will have the possibility to remake yourself. It shows you how the past does not ...
Dealing With A Personal Injury? Use These Tips
By Long Saidin · 9 years ago
If you've been injured in an accident, and you're not sure what to do, you are not alone. Many people go through this each year and find themselves in the same boat. Fortunately, it just ...
How to Find the Right Lawyer for Your Needs
By Long Saidin · 9 years ago
It's time to find an attorney, and that doesn't mean break out the yellow pages. Instead, you can better search for one online involving your specific case criteria and other requirements. Continue reading to find ...
Document Translation Services: Avoiding Potential Complications with Legal Translations and Interpretations
By Kirti Vagadia · 9 years ago
Legal translations require a level of precision and accuracy that exceeds most standard document translation services. When dealing with matters of the law, it’s not only necessary for the interpreter to have the right level ...
Obama administration eliminates bullet ban
By Carmen Gallardo · 9 years ago
What if one of your favorite things to do as a sport was now beginning to become illegal to have? The famous "green tip" steel core bullet has caused a lot of commotion from the ...
Motorcycle courier uses GoPro video in injury case
By Mark Lampkin · 9 years ago
We are presently acting for a motorcycle courier client from London for whom we are looking after his third non fault motorcycle accident claim. It is always very satisfying that client return to us but ...
The Crystal Ball of Loss of Earnings Claims
By Mark Lampkin · 9 years ago
When the worst happens and an accident causes a life changing injury a major part of your life can be taken away or affected. Your job. Our resident legal eagle Mark Lampkin of Lampkin & ...
Getting legal aid in Richmond
By James Doan · 9 years ago
A legal case is a complex matter and getting expert’s advice can save you from disastrous circumstances. However, you must understand that legal assistance comes at a price. In fact, as the experience increases, the ...