Inventory List of the Healing Events after Breaking Up

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published October 28, 2010
  • Word count 642

Inventory List of the Healing Events after Breaking Up

Just want to take in that time, suddenly freed from the two world and restore a person's single life, loneliness is easy to bully you came to the door is still fragile in a sensitive nerve in, this time to find something to do, to a person's time is not so boring to look at healing Fidelity now!

Eat all what you want to; Give your own appetite a holiday

Comforting food is always the best choice, when depressed, eating, breathing a bunch of unscrupulous food can quickly fill your stomach, feeling like my heart was not so empty. Both will sell fine at first glance can make people feel good cake desserts, or the sound of chewing up and click, it sounds jolly fun sense of the full burst of chips cookies ... ... they both feed your appetite, but also greatly improve the mood and after destroying all the food , well, dark clouds began to be vanished!

Healing power of love songs can give you a warm heart

Music is like the story of a passionate book, feeling like a plump movies, quietly convey the various emotions, often unknowingly infected with emotions can make yourself a new look. Exposure to the music world, as if one can find their own dialogue, which resonate with direct access to soul, to the injured heart is no longer Tokgo, get warm and have the courage to re-power.

The movies, giggling or crying can be nothing to fear

Choose a hilarious comedy does not make sense or make sensational tragedy tears to vigorously vent their emotions about it, happy smile after the pain will ease the hearts of many. Moreover, the movies, whether to laugh or cry sadly upside down, do not have to worry about being seen led to their own tarnished image, like whatever you like.

A hot bath, wash off the bad mood

Completed a busy day, return home, a man returned to his own world ... ... do not hesitate to open the shower from head to toe , immediately off the day's fatigue, lack of unpleasant tired and all! If the conditions can bath the better, alone in the wide soaking tub and enjoy the water on the gentle caress of the body, surrounded by a steaming hot, what do not want to head in so quietly through the ten minutes, dry the body immediately after it refreshing!

Picked up the book, back to the paper world to fly the scent of ink in the quiet

Free time suddenly felt a loss of more than once? In fact, there are many things you can do, think before you only immersed in two of the world worry about life, how long have not seriously read a book? Think of your favorite long the trouble has bought that book, you see half of it is no greater turn down the bed has been set aside ... ... Well now, there are a lot of uninterrupted time to stop and quiet reading, and more rare!

Let the body walk, get some fresh air to the emotional

Walking is definitely the choice for soothing mood, regardless of Teenage rain and snow, you can also starting alone, there are girlfriends worth mentioning friends accompanied the line, walking in the streets aimlessly in the path of more, feel also not so heavy gradually relaxed. A little journey, not only make you feel good thinking the way the dialogue can also help you untie knot gain more insights on life, I believe you will find not the same!

Lovelorn the first few weeks it difficult to adapt to, but fortunately, accompanied by a friend, fortunately there are still interesting to shift the focus to help resolve a variety of fears, life will continue, what is a good way to deal with lost love it?

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