Why the Republic of the united States is an Attainable Solution (10/17/10)


  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published December 9, 2010
  • Word count 2,863

Executive Summary -What we are going to do here is to explain to you why we think the restored Republic of the united States is a realistic and attainable goal/solution. The purpose of this would be to get you to stop doing nothing and watching your country, lifestyle, culture and future of your family deteriorate constantly. Yes this is attainable and we will explain why. But first a few brief descriptions of what is going on to set the stage.

Government Lies – There are many people disgusted with the government of the USA. They are tired of being lied to constantly. Do you know anyone who believes anything any governmental agency tells them? I don't!

Taxes – When you add up all the taxes one pays it comes to about 65% or 70%. This takes into account federal income tax, state income tax, social security taxes, unemployment taxes, property tax, sales tax, capital gains tax, water tax, phone tax, internet tax, customs taxes on imports, utility tax, school tax, license plates, tolls, special licenses and the list goes on and on. People are sick and tired of this. Most of the tax payers get no benefit from the government, they just get to pay into its deep one way pockets.

Interest Expense – After you finish with the 65% to 70% taxes then add in interest expense. Let's not forget car loans, mortgages, credit card debt, student loans, late fees on tax payments and loans, etc. The amount this consumes will vary from person to person. For some people it will be 15% or more. This means many are up to 80% in debt before they buy food. Folks no society can survive when it gets that high. Communism never works. If you think it does name one jurisdiction where it is thriving? There is no such place.

Recessions and Depressions – Folks let us understand in no uncertain terms that recessions, depressions and inflation are brought on by the private bankers. Such things do not just happen. It is a ponzi scheme. The federal reserve which is a private bank that controls the money supply loosens up credit and the money supply expands. People borrow and buy. Business borrows and expands. There is a lot of debt being created which requires loan repayment. Then they tighten up the money supply and whoops now some of you by definition cannot repay their debts and you lose your collateral (businesses, plants, cars, trucks, boats, planes, homes etc). The banks make money out of thin air based on debt and your credit and then when they tighten things down with the money supply they confiscate your hard earned assets when they actually risked nothing. To make it worse if the banks went too far the government gives them a bailout which you get to pay for with higher taxes. Sound like an illegal swindle or sound government?

Criminal System – There are 2.3 million people in jail. The USA is the worst police state in the world. They can arrest you, torture you, avoid taking you to court, avoid granting you a lawyer and making sure you have no rights while they hold you indefinitely in a jail out of the USA or even on a floating prison ship. Does this sound like the Republic your founding fathers set up for you? What if they come for you some day?

Courts – The courts do whatever they want. The judges do not follow the constitution. Peoples freedom and property are taken away from them in violation of the constitution daily across the land in city, country, state and federal courts. They are all off the constitution and basically lawless. The bar carrying lawyers are consumed with procedures, not law. The founding father set up the grand jury system where a citizen could go and file a complaint against a government official or agency. The citizen did not have to go through another government employee called the Attorney General. The founding fathers knew that a grand jury consisting of the regular folk could be relied upon to reel in a runaway government. They allowed for the general populace to bring presentments before a grand jury of their peers. Presentments are no longer allowed, just grand jury indictments brought by the attorney generals. This closed the system to any checks and balances and allowed the government to go off out of control and terrorize the populace which they do with consistent regularity today. The de jure grand juries are an integral part of a constitutional government and need to be restored.

The Solution – The Republic of the united States is a solution. Basically the de facto federal corporate rule has tricked and deceived "we the people" into signing away their rights. This is done through deceit. When J. Edgar Hoover wrote Masters of Deceit he was referring to the communists. Well we have a communist in the White House today so maybe Hoover was right about the communists and they really did take over? In any even there is a big problem that needs dealing with regarding the out of control government of the USA. When you get a birth certificate, marriage certificate, deed, driver license, car registration etc you are tricked into using an all capital letters fiction as yourself. It is this corporate fiction that they deceitfully use to get control over you. Problem is there was no disclosure of this, they did it in the dark so to speak. The republic documents will allow you to legally drop out of their corporate system of tyranny legally. Of course the de facto government does not give a hoot about legalities so we need to take this a little deeper. What we are saying is going to them and saying ok I know what you did and I drop out is not going to work. People have been doing this in the de facto courts for decades. The de facto courts will never neutralize or negate themselves or their authority. This need to be done outside of their de facto courthouses with their wartime fringed flags.

Numbers – The real answer here is to enlist say 1% of the USA, which is 3,000,000. If there were 3 million people in the republic how could they interfere with it? They couldn't and then it would be too late for them. What if you had more? Even better.

A Type of Secession – Secession is where a state drops out of the union classically. The Republic is more of a group of individuals dropping out of the unlawful de facto government and re inhabiting the de jure or lawful government offices. A secession of sorts on an individual level. Tricky concept and not all that easy to grasp for sure. There would in the early stages be two governments side by side. The de facto and the de jure. For sure the de facto would see red and try to eliminate anything threatening their control and dominion. That is why numbers are so important. Eventually through the use of constitutionally lawful de jure grand juries "we the people" would bring presentments against the de facto government for harassing the sovereigns. De jure attorney generals would be in place to bring indictments against illegal and corrupt government offices and officials trying to bother the sovereigns who have dropped out and joined the republic. The de facto government would be free to terrorize any persons who chose to remain under their dominion. It is hard to believe anyone would do so unless they were on the government payroll or in a cradle to the grave support program. Basically the de facto government would fall apart in that their supporters would be tax consumers, not tax payers. If you try the republic with small numbers it will not work. It needs large numbers, millions is the best. This is attainable, not easily but 100% possible.

De Facto Court Cases Now – We see people trying to go to the de facto courts and attempt to get justice and rely on the constitution. They fail miserably across the board with a few rare exceptions. What the Republic is proposing is not using their de facto courts but in fact setting up and using de jure grand juries to bring charges against these de facto corporate entities impersonating governmental agencies in de jure courts. These de jure agencies will only be available to the sovereigns that have renounced their slave ship to the de facto government and joined the republic. So first "we the people" organize and fill the republic. This is well in process now. Then the county grand juries are being set up as you read this. There are over 3000 counties. Then will come de jure attorney generals. Then there will be de jure courts. After the people have filed their papers dropping out of the de facto corporate form of governance and affirming their sovereign rights, they will be free to file charges against government officials and agencies attempting to usurp their powers against these sovereign members of the republic. There will be some sort of enforcement arranged. The options for this would be militia, marshals working for the de jure courts and Sheriffs of the counties (not corporations). This does not need military support. Funding is not a big problem in that "we the people" could be volunteering their time a lot in the beginning. For this to go many many people must be enlisted to join the republic with full knowledge of what they are leaving and what they are joining.

Is This Attainable? – Of course. Look at how bad things are. Look at how unhappy the people are with their government. There are tent cities filled with the homeless. Wars that make no sense are being fought, with soldiers killed and wounded daily. If Obama says these wars are just and righteous who would ever believe him? Taxes are at a back breaking level. If taxes get any worse it will start to get like the Israelites slaving under Pharaoh. The Obamacare plan will hit people hard in a few short weeks when they wake up and realize what really happened. Wait till they realize death counseling is going to be the prognosis when they have expensive treatments facing them with a poor chance of success. They will have you voluntarily kill yourself just like a convicted murders gets executed with a lethal injection. Of course you would be free to just stay home and die a painful death. New taxes kick in shortly. Probably 20,000,000 are unemployed now and this is climbing. 50,000,000 are on food stamps. Obama is the most hated president since Lincoln. He is even an illegal alien. Oh and speaking of other illegal aliens they are flooding the border with Mexico bringing violence and destruction with them and Obama is giving this his blessing. It is his way to get amnesty for the illegals who could then vote for his kind and let him distribute your wealth to foreigners. Banks are not lending. Foreclosures although recently stopped are looming over people's heads. Vitamins and supplements are about to be curtailed by executive order. Police are terrorizing people with tasers and all sorts of unconstitutional behavior. Civil rights are being violated, there are none left to speak of. Civil courts and lawyers are out of control and not following the laws or the constitution. Cities, counties and states are bankrupt. More and more jobs are being lost every day. There is no sign of any real estate recovery. There is no sign of any job growth. Millions of people know or suspect that 9/11 was executed by Bush. Millions are suspicious regarding the Gulf Oil Spill. Millions are suspicious of vaccines. Folks the stage is set better than ever before. The icing on the cake is Obama. This guy is a gift if you want to get the people rallied up to restore order and the constitution to the Republic.

What to Do? - Get out there and educate friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors and whoever else will listen to you. Explain things to them from ground up. Illustrate the evils of the de facto government and the federal reserve bank. Explain to them that no real fix is possible without killing the federal reserve bank and going to a responsible monetary system (hard money). Explain Beck, Palin and the Tea Party have no such platform and what they will bring you is more of the same garbage with different packaging. After educating them explain to them they can chose to be part of the Republic or remain a slave to a dying system. The Republic belongs to the free and the brave. You will find that some are not brave enough to assert themselves and wish to remain a slave rather than risk the anger of the de facto. So remember the Republic is for the free and the brave. Obama has guts. I don't know many people who would have the brass to pull the stunt he pulled. What about Bush committing genocide with his phoney 9/11 false flag attack. I would not refer to these people as brave but they have guts to risk their lives and freedoms for their cause of world domination. It is going to take people with enough guts to stand up to these usurpers of freedom and say we have had enough, go away we are finished with you and your falsehoods. They will not like it if for no other reason they will find it insulting and degrading to have you tell them off and then there is the question of answering for their crimes someday. You want the easy way out ride the de facto ship down to the bottom of the sea. This is not really the easy way out, it is the hard way, but it does not require you to assert yourself and stand up for liberty and pursuit of happiness. A lot of Americans will talk about standing up for themselves but few will. That is why I say if the republic gets 1% (3 million people) it is more than enough.

All the Details – I do not think anyone can possible know all the details and the facts at this point. Hindsight is going to be the source of 20/20 vision. This is not something ever done before in modern times in this country.

The Big Objection – Many will say oh this is a government intel move. I say nonsense. The Republic and previously RAP have served to illuminate many people as to the illegal actions of the de facto government. Laws, court cases, history books etc have been gone through meticulously to arrive at the conclusions they arrived at. The de facto would never reveal such information. They want you to think they are 100% lawful and within their rights. They want you to think resistance is futile and has no chance of success. This is not a intel move of the de facto to discredit the sovereigns. They do not want any attention at all going to the sovereigns lest people discover what the message of the sovereigns is. A house divided unto itself does not stand. The government will not promote a movement like the Republic to discredit movements. Too dangerous for them to do so. This is evidenced by the almost total news blackout regarding RAP and the Republic. They are scared of "we the people" right now. This is why that "Oath Keeper" fellow got his baby back in a few days from the child and protective services. This is why Obama pocket vetoed the foreclosure bill that would have protected the banks. That is why foreclosures are halted. They are trying to throw some cookies to the people to shut them up and get them to go back to sleep without dismantling the federal reserve, the IRS and fixing the courts and restoring a constitutional government. You want to be free of these usurpers here is a way to do it. There is never going to be an easy painless way to get there. Stop waiting for the white Knight to set you free, he ain't coming. Work for it and you will have it. So go spread the word that the Republic has been restored and get on board. The de facto is not going to do anything. First off they never were confronted by anything like this before and do not know what to do. They do not know the extent of the movement nor what they are up against, they are just guessing. If their people study the documents and learn the law then they have a defection problem to deal with. This is a big problem for them, think about it. They move slowly and in this case they will move too slowly for their own good. Such is the nature of the de facto beast. This is too big for them to contain. They really do not know what to do. They have so many problems right now it is the perfect storm with ole reliable Obama at the helm. What more can you ask for? Go get it done!


Aurelia Masterson writes for http://www.panamalaw.org

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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