Author's articles

Second Passport AND Second Citizenship Programs
By Aurelia Masterson · 12 years ago
Introduction - For as little as $50,000 (total fee, complete) you can obtain a citizenship with passport in one of the Latin American Nations we work with. We do NOT work with Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, ...
Guatemala and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements
By Aurelia Masterson · 12 years ago
Executive Summary – What we are going to discuss here is whether or not a creditor can come to Guatemala with a judgment from a foreign (Non Guatemala) court and enforce it or make it ...
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Belize
By Aurelia Masterson · 12 years ago
Executive Summary – We advise our clients who have asset protection issues to use a Belize Trust. The assets of a Belize Trust are immune from the decisions of a foreign court. This includes, bankruptcy ...
Fall of the American Empire February 15th, 2011
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Egypt – Well Mubarak dealt the people a hand from the bottom of the deck. What is going on now is pretty clever on the part of Mubarak. He never resigned officially and still considers ...
Special Alert – US Dollar Feb 10, 2011
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Introduction – We rarely ever send out a special alert. This is a time when it is necessary. The reason is the US Dollar is in the process of no longer being accepted as a ...
Iraqi Dinar Revaluation--Exercise Caution
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary – Many people call us regarding the devaluation of the Iraq Dinar destined before the end of the year. Many feel they will make significant gains on the revaluation Below is an article ...
Panama and USA to Sign Tax Treaty for Exchange of Tax Information
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Source - Panama to Sign Tax Accord With U.S. in Bid to Win Free-Trade Pact Approval Executive Summary – Panama and the USA will in November 2010 sign a treaty allowing for the exchange of ...
Guide to Economic Citizenship Passport Programs
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Dominica – This is not the Dominican Republic. The passport from this country is not much good for visa free travel. The cost is usually about $75,000 for one person, $100,000+ for a couple. They ...
Ecuador Residency, Citizenship Passport Program
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary – Ecuador has a residency plan that leads to a citizenship in 24 months. Time Frame – You have to go to Ecuador to apply. One needs to remain in the country 4-6 ...
Panama Ending Anonymous Bearer Shares
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary – This is taken from a Panama Newspaper called La Prensa, date Oct.9, 2010. It has been translated into English: Stock ownership must be recorded The OECD estimates that there are significant problems ...
A Mysterious Missile, A Carnival Cruise Ship Disabled etc. What Happened?
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
The the article is here: A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Director Anatoly Perminov of the Russian Federal Space Agency states that an Arkon-1 military satellite monitoring ...
Warning – Ignore Secret Intel Information and Pseudo Insiders
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary – As the Republic of the united States (ROTUS) takes hold you are going to hear more and more nonsense about the de facto government with the source claiming it to be insider ...
Why the Republic of the united States is an Attainable Solution (10/17/10)
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary -What we are going to do here is to explain to you why we think the restored Republic of the united States is a realistic and attainable goal/solution. The purpose of this would ...
Republic of the united States of America Documents
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Introduction – Downloadable version here: Republic of the united States of America Documents Document Support: * County Assembly Info (PDF) * Flowchart * Governance Concepts * Public Verses Private * RAP Resignation * Citizens Rule ...
Reduce Legal Bills – Outsource Legal Work to India
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Executive Summary - A new trend has hit the UK and USA legal markets, outsourcing. In India the lawyers are trained in a way that enables them to adapt to USA and UK law. Large ...
Offshore Investor Package
By Aurelia Masterson · 13 years ago
Introduction – We have assembled a structure consisting of several components suitable for the client that is interested in moving their investments, stock trading or forex trading offshore. The structure consists of the following: 1) ...
Tim Turner of Restore America Plan is now the Interim President of New Republic of United States
By Aurelia Masterson · 14 years ago
Executive Summary – Restore America Plan has set up an interim government. The de jeur grand juries have had to approve by a 2/3 vote the candidates for the interim government. This would include a ...
Restore America Plan (RAP or TRAP) Update June 16, 2010
By Aurelia Masterson · 14 years ago
Executive Summary – We get contacted by Restore America Plan people frequently. These people are sometimes just members, sometimes grand jurors and sometimes even higher ups. We have always wished RAP would not fail. Now ...
Guatemala Pensionado Permanent Residency Program
By Aurelia Masterson · 14 years ago
Introduction – Guatemala is offering a Pensionado program. This is a permanent residency allowing one to live in Guatemala for the rest of their life. The Pensionado receives a Cedulla which is a national identity ...
Own Gold in a Hong Kong Bank Account
By Aurelia Masterson · 14 years ago
Why Hold Gold Offshore – It frees you from a number of things which we will denote below. No Capital Gains Tax on Sale Profits – The bank we use that allows gold ownership in ...