How To Be Efficient Working From Home

BusinessHome Business

  • Author Bill Lawrence
  • Published December 6, 2010
  • Word count 693

The main problems when starting you home-based business is either procrastination, work all the time or waste your time doing the things that do not make your business grow. This article will show you what you need to focus on in your home-based business.

  1. Procrastination problem comes from the, I will do it later syndrome because I want to do something else right now. You love to tell everyone that you work in my underwear all day long and how great it to work from home. You may have too many distractions around you such as the TV, kids, dog, spouse etc. All this means is that you are going broke and on your way to being unemployed.

  2. My solution is to treat you home-based business as a business by getting up, take a shower and get dressed. Your work space should be free of distraction and cleared of clutter. Set your work schedule and stick to it, such as 9 to 5. Take breaks to clear your mind and stop at 5 and go home to your family, TV and hobbies.

  3. The opposite of procrastination is to work all the time with every waking moment 7 days a week. You will be divorced, not know your children, have any friends or social life and on your way to a break down. Solution set your work schedule and leave it behind you when you finish your day. Besides its known fact when you clear your mind by engaging in other activities your creative side come up with more ideas.

  4. How to be more efficient while working and not wasting time. I try to stay focus on what brings in the money. I have an online travel business and built my website where 90% of my business comes from fresh and free leads to me every day. No website = no money. I just didn't need a website. I needed a website that ranked high with the free search engines because I was operating on a shoe string budget. I stayed focused on building keyword content pages that offered solutions to peoples travel needs.

During my business building phase which was building a website, I would get distracted by SEO offering gimmicks on how to get links and tons of traffic to my website for such and such. I would spend time away from my business researching to come to the conclusion it was a gimmick and they just want my money and I had just wasted my time. Here are my tips on how to stay focus in your website building phase of your home based business with my KISS Formula.

Keep it real by writing keyword focus content pages on your passion. Your visitors can tell by your writing and sharing your stories that you are for real. If they like you and trust you they will buy from you in this online world. Don't fake It, Don't copy it, let it come from your heart. Build a quality link program to your website. Links are your human visitor's approval that they like your site. Limit the number of links you have going out to just a few but you have no control on the links coming into you site and that is good.

To get the ball rolling on your link building process I would exchange a few links at first with other webmasters, get you brand and buzz going by getting involved in forums, and write e-zine articles like this article will bring traffic and links to your website. Stay focus until you have built over 100 content pages on your website. Set a goal of 1 a day or 1 a week. After you built at least 100 pages I would start writing e-zone articles to get quality links to your website.

To win over the search engines is not a mystery. They love high quality and quantity of content pages that offer solutions to their searchers problems and you get rewarded by getting rank higher. Which means more free traffic to your business? Increase traffic means more sales from your website. KISS and focus on writing content pages and get links on your own and keep it real.

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