What Expenses are Deductible in Your Network Marketing / MLM Business?

BusinessHome Business

  • Author Jim Flauaus
  • Published January 7, 2011
  • Word count 518

Network Marketers often ask "What’s Deductible – and what’s not—in a Multi-Level marketing business?"

Having a Multi Level Marketing business is what I call the "#1 tax shelter for the little guy". Whether you work the business part-time, or are a full-time networker, once you start your own business, you can take advantage of many deductions available only to business owners. You can deduct a portion of your cell phone, vehicle, household and other expenses that you would not otherwise be able to write-off your tax bill if you were not in network marketing.

The federal and state tax codes are full of deductions for businesses, and you are entitled to take them whether you work your business from home or from a fancy outside office. In effect, you are sharing expenses with Uncle Sam—and your state governor as well.

Before we begin, it pays for you to know, in general, how businesses are taxed. ‘Big picture’-wise, the government taxes a business’s profit or ‘net income’—so the less you end up with after expenses, the less taxes you pay. What that means to you is this: you’re not taxed on gross receipts or your ‘top-line’ income. Your tax liability is based on your bottom line, or what’s left after deducting expenses. So the more you can deduct from you top line income, the better!

The tricky part is this: some expenses are deductible this year, but other expenses must be spread out over several years. For example, you might be able to write off 100% of the cost of new computers and furniture this year (per IRS Code Section 179). But if you don’t have a lot of income, a wise strategy might be to defer some of that deductible expense to future years (‘depreciation’ expense). Start up costs can also be tricky: you can a portion this year if it’s the first year of your MLM business, but you’ll have to spread the rest ("amortize") over the next several years.

That being said, here is a partial list of deductible expenses. Many of these are overlooked by Network Marketing business owners:

Accounting and Legal Fees Advertising / Website

Auto and Truck Bank Charges

Computer Expense Dues and Subscriptions

Education and Training Equipment and Furniture

Gifts Home Office Expense

Insurance Inventory

Licenses and Permits Meals and Entertainment

Postage and Delivery Printing

Rent ("room dues") Repairs

Retirement Savings Start Up Costs

Supplies and Materials Taxes

Telephone Travel

Uniform Expense

IRS Publication 463 "Travel, Entertainment, Gift and Car Expenses" is a must-read if you are doing your own tax preparation. It definitely pays to know the (IRS) code rather than assuming something is deductible when it comes to these areas.

Consider hiring a tax professional to prepare your tax return. You’ll usually save far more in taxes than you’ll spend in his or her fees. Tax accountants know the rules, prepare hundreds of returns each year, can lower your tax bill, and help you avoid mistakes that might otherwise lead to an IRS audit.

Dedicated to multiplying your after-tax income,

Jim Flauaus

Jim Flauaus, President / CEO of Anchor Accounting & Tax, is a Network Marketing / MLM tax specialist. He connects with Home Business owners and Network Marketers across the country and around the world via phone, email, and fax to help them plan and prepare their income tax returns. Visit his website http://www.anchoraccountingandtax.com to learn more, and to register for the free special report, "3 Key Ways to Save Thousands of Dollars on Your Tax Return This Year".

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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