10 Best Foods For Women

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Cherry Xu
  • Published January 27, 2011
  • Word count 624

Today I will teach you something to take care of the woman. So ladies and gentleman please pay attention to this.

Protecting the brain: Spinach

Because it has carotene and superoxide dismutase enzyme component of the "reduction of food", can prevent cerebral vascular disease and protect the brain. What are "restore food" mean? Expert studies that bear the brunt of spinach. Followed by the leeks, onions, peas angle, tomatoes, carrots, green cabbage, beans, garlic leaves and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds and other foods shell, and brown rice, and so worthy of when you choose.

Eye: sweet potato

Vitamin A is known as "eye small guard," said, if the body lacks it, the ability to feel weak light eyes will be lowered ability to adapt to the dark will be diminished, and in severe risk of developing night blindness.

Vitamin A is formed by the carotenoid shift. In addition to carrots, the sweet potato is also rich in carotene-rich, can provide a wealth of vitamin A, can improve vision.

Hair: kelp

Speaking of hair, maybe you know a lot, for example, black hair, black sesame seeds make, make ginger hair growth, or make hair shiny walnut. But you know the food's all-around champion hair is? It is kelp, nutrition experts believe that regular consumption of seaweed iodine in the body not only to add elements, but also for hair growth, moisturize, shine also has a special effect.

Pulmonary Care: Tomato

Britain's latest study found that eating tomatoes 3 times a week can prevent respiratory disease than to protect the lung from bacterial infection. However, with the tomato lycopene content of soluble sugar content is inversely proportional, that is, the more non-sweet tomatoes, where the higher the lycopene content.

Leggings: Banana

Potassium rich foods rich bananas are the number one "master legs", it contains a wealth of potassium can help you stretch your leg muscles and prevent leg cramps. Second of the "legs master" is the celery, it has a large number of glial nature of calcium carbonate, easily absorbed, calcium may be necessary to add the legs, but also to prevent lower body edema.

Heart Care: deep-sea fish

German experts have had such a set of published results show: Stick to 50 grams of fish per day can reduce the incidence of heart disease 40%, especially in deep-sea fish to eat better. Fish contained in the unsaturated fatty acids, are commonly known as "good fat", they can act as natural anti-clotting agent help, can reduce blood pressure, inhibition of myocardial excitability, slow heart rate, and thus protect the heart.

And kidney: Black

Since ancient times, black beans to as the "kidneys of the Valley", and black point of view from the outside, you will find the shape similar to human kidneys. Not only are they sweet nature, Chinese medicine, it also has kidney physical, Blood and water, detoxification, soothing effect, especially for kidney deficiency.

Stomach: Cabbage

Cabbage is recommended by World Health Organization, one of the best vegetables, known as natural "stomach food." Suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, doctors will recommend eating cabbage. Every day you can eat cabbage mixed with honey, this method can promote ulcer healing.

Armor: Egg

Healthy nails are pink, because there is sufficient blood supply. If the abnormal nail changes, often the symptoms of nutritional deficiency or other potential caused. The high-protein diet is necessary to maintain healthy nails, eggs are a good source of protein.

Skin: broccoli

It is not only nutritious, taste great, or the famous "cancer fighter", especially in the fight against cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, best effects. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids, can enhance the ability of the skin against damage to help maintain skin elasticity.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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