An Injury Attorney for Work Related Injuries


  • Author Jason M. Byrd
  • Published April 15, 2011
  • Word count 575

If you’ve faced an injury on the job, chances are you’re currently feeling frightened and alone. You might find that you’re unable to work, and consequently the paychecks have ceased. You can’t support yourself, much less your family, in that manner. And as if that isn’t enough, medical bills are starting to roll in and pile up high. If this describes your current situation, you need to find an injury attorney.

The fact is, there are laws in place that guarantee an injured worker’s rights. Meaning, your employer might be held responsible to pay your medical bills and cover your lost wages. But if you try and obtain this compensation on your own, there’s a pretty good chance you could get denied.

Consider this. It’s safe to say that your employer is much more familiar than you are with the laws related to workers’ compensation. And if there’s any chance that they may have to pay out to you, it’s very possible that they’ll try to find a hole in the law somewhere that they can slip through. And by taking advantage in this manner, you’ll lose the retribution that’s rightly yours.

In some cases, companies will send you to their preferred doctor when you get injured. It sounds good at first, but let’s step back and take a look at what could really be going on here. Does this preferred doctor really care about providing you with an accurate diagnosis? Or do they are more about keeping their business relationship with your employer? It’s hard to say, but the odds are certainly stacked against you in this situation.

You can’t depend on your employer to accurately inform you of your rights. But when you meet with an injury attorney, you’ll learn what your rights truly are. For example, a good attorney would let you know that you have a choice in what physician you see after your injury. You don’t have to just do what your company says. Choosing your own doctor from the beginning helps avoid any chance of an unfair diagnosis.

By hiring an injury lawyer, you can make sure you’re covered in situations such as these. An experienced attorney will know all the tricks of the trade. He’ll easily be able to spot when an employer is treating his client unfairly, because he’s walked down this path many times in the past.

Keep in mind, there are some sad situations in which people in your circumstances don’t have a solid case. For instance, if you were engaging in some form of willful misconduct when the injury occurred, you might not qualify for coverage. Luckily, an injury attorney will offer a free initial evaluation in which he can determine if you actually have a case. Either way, you need someone to inform you of your rights in your individual situation.

As you embark on your search for an injury attorney, make sure you look for experience first. You want an injury attorney who specializes in cases such as your own. A brief look at their website should give you a good idea of what sort of cases they work with.

Remember, if you suffered an injury at work, you can’t afford not to hire an injury attorney. Failing to do so could put your entire economic future at risk.

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