Things You Should Know about Hiring an Arizona Social Security Lawyer


  • Author Alan Schiffman
  • Published April 19, 2011
  • Word count 609

If you’re trying to get Social Security disability benefits, don’t go it alone. Find a seasoned lawyer to handle the hard work for you. Here are a few things you should know in regards to hiring an Arizona Social Security lawyer.

• You absolutely need a lawyer to obtain your benefits—Sure there’s a chance that you could obtain benefits on your own, but the odds are certainly not at all in your favor. In fact, you have a sixty percent chance of not getting the benefits you are entitled to on an initial application if you are not represented. You will have a much better chance of prevailing if you hire an Arizona Social Security lawyer. Doing so will significantly improve your odds, as an attorney knows how to develop evidence and oppose the development of negative evidence. So, put the odds in your favor. The attorney can guide you through your case and protect your rights.

• They don’t have to be expensive—When it comes to hiring a lawyer, people tend to cringe in fear of exorbitant lawyer’s fees. But let’s be clear here: hiring an Arizona Social Security lawyer doesn’t have to drive you into bankruptcy. The fact is, the Social Security Administration regulates Social Security lawyer’s fees. Meaning, an attorney can only charge you a reasonable amount – no more than 25% of the past due benefits – under the fee agreement procedure. Although not hiring a lawyer costs you nothing, but what good is "cheap" if you get denied the disability benefits you need?

• You can find a personable lawyer who makes themselves available to you—It’s true that some lawyers come off as big shots. Once you hire them, you may never see them or speak to them again. Instead you get stuck talking to the people who work for them and if you get through to them you get stopped by their voicemail. Making a face to face appointment with them is similar to trying to get a meeting with the President. But when you hire the right Arizona Social Security lawyer, you don’t have to deal with all of that red tape. They’ll be there when you’re in need. Because they take their job seriously—and their job is to serve you.

• Getting denied benefits doesn’t mean it’s all over—It’s extremely common to get denied benefits the first go around. There’s no need to freak out. You need to be persistent. And the right Arizona Social Security will keep your spirits up and fight for your rights. He’ll build your case and help you get the disability benefits you require.

• Obtaining benefits isn’t always easy—If getting disability benefits was easy, then the Arizona Social Security lawyer wouldn’t exist. As stated above, there’s an approximate sixty percent chance of you getting denied benefits your first try. That’s why you need to hire someone to help. There’s lots of red tape involved and having a professional to help you sort through the mess helps.

• Always choose someone with experience—You’re dealing with a very serious issue here. And you don’t want to entrust your future to just any lawyer. You need someone who has done this plenty of times. And not just filed for Social Security benefits, but someone who has won plenty of cases for their clients at all levels of the Social Security Administration and through the courts.

Don’t stress out. Just find a good Arizona Social Security lawyer and you’ll get the disability benefits you need.

Learn more about workers compensation lawyer Arizona and accident attorney Arizona at SchiffmanLaw.Com.

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