Qualities of a Trustworthy Personal Injury Attorney


  • Author Jason Byrd
  • Published May 5, 2011
  • Word count 524

When it comes time to hire a personal injury attorney you need to get serious about your search. You and your family’s livelihood is on the line. Losing your case could prove disastrous. That said, choosing the right lawyer to take your case should be done carefully. Here are a few qualities you should look for in your chosen attorney.

• He has a professional website—Sure you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to hiring a personal injury attorney, you can learn a lot by looking at their website. A good attorney understands the importance of having a clean, well-maintained website to present to you. It’s their job to sell themselves to you. And their website is pretty much their resume. Just as a boss wouldn’t hire an employee with a sloppy resume, you should not hire a lawyer with a cheap website.

• He and his staff are experienced—With so much at stake, you don’t want to entrust your case to a new personal injury attorney. No, you want someone who knows their way around the court room. Someone who has been in the field for many years and has lots of skills under his belt.

• He has a record marked by success—Of course, experience alone is not enough. Your chosen personal injury attorney needs to have a winning record. How can you be sure? Easily. Just look at his site. If he has experienced much success, he’ll post about it on his site. Remember, if you have a winning record, you aren’t going to hide it. You’re going to post it in plain sight for the world to see. It’s your strongest selling point.

• He gives a free initial consultation—You should never pay for your initial consultation. Period. That first meeting is for you to gain information and clarity on your situation, as well as deciding if the personal injury attorney is a good fit for your case. Not to mention for your personality. Sometimes people just don’t gel. And you shouldn’t have to pay to figure that out.

• He’s worked for the other side—Your best bet is to find a personal injury attorney who has worked on the other side of the fence. Someone who has represented big employers and insurance companies in the past. The reasoning here is obvious. If they have experience fighting against people like you, then they’ll be even more prepared to wage war in your defense. They’ll know exactly how the opposing team will fight against you and be adequately prepared for rebuttal. It’s like having the opposing team’s playbook during a football game, but not cheating. You’re sure to win.

Remember, when it’s time to hire a personal injury attorney, take it seriously. Look for one who exhibits the above qualities and you’ll have yourself a winner. Failing to do so could put your personal finances and well being in grave danger. And why would you do that if there’s a feasible option right under your nose?

Learn more about Oklahoma City injury attorney and Beaumont personal injury at TXBbyrd.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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