Defending Your Rights in a Drug Charge


  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published June 2, 2011
  • Word count 403

In the war on drugs in America, sometimes there are innocent people who are caught in the middle. In addition, sometimes the government acts improperly. With charges of drug possession, the accused may have a case based upon the law surrounding the arrest. Improper search and seizure, unlawful arrest, or illegally obtained evidence can all be ways that the police build a drug conviction case outside of the letter of the law. The most common drugs involved in drug sales and possession include marijuana, methamphetamines (Crystal Meth), cocaine, crack, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, and pharmaceutical drugs, such as Oxycontin.

These are common in what would seem like the most uncommon places. Most of us think of drug possession or drug sales happening in the ghetto, run-down places in the inner city. However, there is a huge market for illegal drugs in the suburbs and for the manufacture of drugs in rural areas. Sadly, drug conviction rates are rising steadily in these demographics. People are charged with these offenses are often branded for a very long time, so it can be very beneficial to have a good attorney that can defend your rights during the court proceedings.

There are a variety of crimes associated with illegal drug possession. They include drugs possession, but also drug manufacture and sales, use and distribution. Drug conviction records are also a means of proving a lifestyle of drug use that may lead to the conviction of an even more serious crime in the future. Even an innocent person will be presumed guilty if they have prior drug convictions. It is best to deal with the first offense well and right away to avoid fallout down the road. If you have been charged with a crime relating to drugs, it is a very wise idea to get an attorney who has a wealth of experience in this field.

They will be familiar with the court system and judges, as well as with drug laws, which keep changing from year to year. As a rule, drug conviction laws get stronger as the years pass. Drug possession and distribution is viewed as an extremely serious crime in light of the damage the spread of drugs can have on the present and future generations of a community. To protect the society, sometimes the police will act outside of the law and these injustices should be represented by a capable and respectable defense attorney.

If you have been arrested on drug charges, an experienced defense attorney can make a difference in your case.

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