Topamax Attorney Information


  • Author Jason M. Byrd
  • Published August 27, 2011
  • Word count 507

Approved at the end of 1996 by the FDA, Topamax is a drug used to treat epileptic seizures-both partial and whole. 8 years later, the drug was approved to be used in treatment of migraines.

For years, women used this product to control the above conditions during pregnancy. They did so because they were told the drug did not present any significant risk to their unborn fetus.

They were told wrong.

At the beginning of March 2011, the FDA made a huge announcement in relation to Topamax-they were changing it to a Category D drug. What did that mean? It actually did present a very real and documented risk to unborn fetuses when taken during pregnancy. More specifically, the first three months of pregnancy. The FDA also stated that there are safer alternatives to Topamax available on the market.

The dangers Topamax presents to the unborn

So what sort of problems is Topamax causing in unborn fetuses? While this is still under investigation, so far the drug has been undeniably linked to:

  1. Cleft Lip

  2. Cleft Palate

  3. Genital Defects

  4. Fetal and Skeletal Deformations

Each of these poses its own set of problems. For example, a Cleft Lip may cause speech impediments as well as psychological issues. A Cleft Palate may cause difficult eating. Genital Defects may present trouble with toilet training, urination, and sexual intercourse. And the other deformations cause even more issues.

As mentioned earlier, the negative side effects associated with taking Topamax during pregnancy are still being investigated.

What to do if you took Topamax during pregnancy

If you took Topamax during a pregnancy, first ask yourself if your child has any of the above birth defects. If so, you need to contact a Topamax attorney. In the event that your child has a birth defect not mentioned above, you should still contact an attorney to see if a connection between the drug and the defect has been newly discovered. And finally, if your child does not seem to have suffered any of these issues yet you took the drug after conception, you might still consider calling an attorney. You never know what problems could spring up later that could be linked to Topamax.

Planning on getting pregnant?

If you are planning on getting pregnant, stop using Topamax right away. There is a strong possibility that you conceive and not realize it for quite some time. In this case, you would be taking Topamax still well into your first trimester-the prime time for Topamax induced malformations. Consult your doctor on safer options to deal with your epilepsy or migraines.

How do I enlist the aid of a Topamax attorney?

All you need to do is get over to Google and type in "Topamax attorney" and you will get a list of relevant websites in return. Search through them and find a reputable looking lawyer. Give the Topamax attorney a call and schedule a free consultation. During this consultation, your Topamax attorney will let you know if he thinks you have a relevant case, and then you can plan accordingly.

Learn more about darvocet lawyer at TXByrd.Com.

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