Answering Myths about Selecting a DUI Attorney


  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published August 3, 2011
  • Word count 434

One myth many people believe is that any attorney can handle a DUI case. Some families have a local Jackson County attorney that they have dealt with for many years. That attorney, though, is likely not a criminal defense specialist. When dealing with a DUI case, you need an attorney that knows how to deal with this type of cases. A DUI charge is a serious allegation under Missouri law. It is not the same thing as getting a speeding ticket or running a red light. A Lees Summit DUI attorney can help you from the very beginning. Call them as soon as possible.

A second myth about DUI attorneys is that they are too expensive. DUI cases can get very expensive with or without an attorney. You are facing criminal, civil, and administrative costs at the Jackson County level as well as the state level. The criminal costs come from the fact that DUI is a criminal offense. You have to face charges. If you did any property damage while under the influence, you may face civil damages. Moreover, since you were driving under the influence, you have to deal with the administrative hearings about your license. The fact is that a good Lees Summit DUI attorney will help you minimize the damage to your wallet and livelihood.

A third myth about DUI cases is that you will get the same results if you go it alone or if you hire an attorney. There is public pressure throughout Jackson County and the Kansas City area to keep DUI drivers off the road. If you do not have a good Lees Summit DUI attorney at your side, you may find you get the book thrown at you. You will likely have your license removed. You may face jail time, especially for multiple offenses. The fines alone are quite scary. A good attorney will help you minimize the impact of these charges and will help protect you from an overzealous prosecutor.

A final myth to throw out about DUI cases is that there is no hope once an officer arrests you on DUI. That is simply not true. Until a court finds you guilty or you plead guilty, there is always hope. A good Lees Summit DUI attorney will help you wade through the situation and find out if you have options. It may be that the evidence is not there. You may find that the prosecutor has too many cases and is willing to plea bargain. Do not give up hope until the gavel comes down for the final time in Jackson County court.

Most people charged with a criminal offense do not realize they should not wait until the last minute to hire a Lees Summit DUI Attorney.

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