Deer v. Car


  • Author Bob Mortland
  • Published January 1, 2012
  • Word count 710

Deer v. Car Accidents

November is the busiest time of the year for car v. deer accidents. Colliding with deer is not an enjoyable experience but it is an experience that happens to the most attentive drivers. Deer-car collisions increase significantly during the fall months, with the largest number of reported collisions in November, as the deer are more active and are on the move for a mate. State Farm Insurance have stated that they have seen more deer and car crashes in November than any other month in the year.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that there are more than 1 million deer caused car accidents every year. Further, on average, 200 people are killed as a result of these accidents, making deer the most dangerous animal to cars in North America.

However, it is important to know that there are some simple tips to keep in mind to reduce the number of deer v. car collisions. Drivers can take precautions to prevent deer-car accidents. Anytime a deer warning sign is displayed, drivers should slow down. Drivers should be aware and scan the road from side to side, looking for movement and glowing deer eyes. If possible, drivers should also enlist the assistance of a passenger to stay alert for any deer wandering along the road.

When a driver is approached by a dear, the driver should not swerve to avoid the deer because this may cause a collision with other cars on the roadway. Instead, the driver should apply the brakes and horn to scare the deer away from the vehicle.

Some more tips for avoiding a deer collision are:

  1. Drive the speed limit

The faster you drive, the less time you have to react to anything. If you speed above the speed limit, you will have less time to react to a deer stepping in front of your vehicle. The speed limit takes into account many variables including how many accidents have taken place on that stretch of road in the past few years. The number of accidents takes into account the number of collisions with wildlife. Thus, while you think it is safe traveling above the speed limit, there may be hidden dangers waiting to jump in front of you.

  1. Know what type of wildlife are in the area that you are driving through and know their activity patterns

Another way to reduce your chances of a deer v. car collision to is be aware of what wildlife is in the area that you are driving. You should understand what animals are in the area and how certain animals behave. For example, if the road has wilderness on both sides and the ground is fairly level, you may want to be on the lookout for deer wandering from one side of the road to the other.

  1. Avoid driving at night as much as possible

Driving at night increases your chances for an accident with an animal. Animal activity tends to be much greater during the night hours because the animals sleep during the day and are less vulnerable to attack at night. Further, it is much more difficult for a person to see a deer at night time. If you have no other option than to drive at night, it is important to keep scanning the road for any animals. You can also get your passenger to keep an eye out for you to ensure that you are both safe. Many deer can be spotted by the glow of their eyes from a long distance away.

  1. Pay attention to all of the warning signs

In many states, including California, there are signs on the side of the road warning you of a deer danger. Many of those signs will also state how long the danger will last in terms of miles. These signs are posted to make sure that you are on notice that there may be many deer in that area. However, deer do not read these signs and they can be found anywhere. The most common characteristics of deer danger areas are:

  • Where rivers, creeks, and swamps hit roads

  • Where green grass is plentiful

  • Where a fresh water source is close to the roadway

  • Long, straight stretches of road.

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