If I Have Legal Cover With An Insurance Firm Can I Pick My Own Solicitor?


  • Author Nicholas Jervis
  • Published February 8, 2012
  • Word count 441

If you have been involved in an accident and have sustained an injury you may be contemplating making a claim for compensation, or may already be in the process of doing so. The days and weeks following an accident can be an anxious time as you start to come to terms with your injuries, begin medical treatment and try to deal with any financial implications that the accident may have had. In order to ease these burdens it is important to instruct a solicitor with whom you feel entirely comfortable and who will be able to guide you through the claims process with as little stress as possible. It is important to choose a solicitor that is right for you so what happens if your insurance company has nominated a solicitor to act on your behalf? Do you have to use this solicitor? This article seeks to answer these questions and also identifies to go about choosing the right solicitor for your claim.

Many insurance companies work in conjunction with nominated firms of solicitors who pay them a fee for passing over work, i.e. new clients, to them. For example, your insurance company may have sent you details of the firm of solicitors that they are nominating to act for you following your road traffic accident. However, you are not legally obliged to use the solicitor nominated by your insurance company and your insurance premiums should not be affected if you choose to instruct a different solicitor.

You are entitled to choose any solicitor you wish to pursue your claim for compensation following your accident. However, with so many firms and claims companies to choose from how to you make a decision about who to instruct? It is important that you instruct a solicitor who specializes in the type of accident you have been involved in and/or who specializes in pursuing claims for Claimants who have suffered the same type of injury you have sustained, such as whiplash . You should also make sure that the solicitor you instruct is approachable and explains every step of the claims process to you clearly. Make sure that you are fully aware of all the funding options available to you and that you are guaranteed to receive 100% of your compensation.

If you have been injured in an accident remember that you are free to use any solicitor you wish and do not have to use the solicitor nominated by your insurance company. If you would like more advice on pursuing a claim for compensation our 1stClaims solicitors are here to help you. Call us free today on 0800 2888 693 for a free, no obligation consultation.

If You Need Help With Whiplash Claims, Medical Negligence Claims Or Any Personal Injury Claims, Talk To The Expert Personal Injury Solicitors At 1st Claims.


Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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