Choosing a Business Litigation Attorney in Cleveland


  • Author Anne Roberts
  • Published February 18, 2012
  • Word count 662

Choosing the right business litigation attorney can be difficult, but it is vitally important that you choose well. Ideally you would have a relationship with a great law firm established before you actually need it, but maybe that wasn't possible and now you need a Cleveland lawyer with experience in business litigation and you need him fast. Time, money (and maybe your entire business) could be lost unnecessarily if you decide hastily and hire a firm that is not a good fit for your company. But with so many business litigation attorneys to choose from here in the Cleveland metro area, how do you decide who to hire?

Choosing the right business litigation attorney can be difficult, but it is vitally important that you choose well. Ideally you would have a relationship with a great law firm established before you actually need it, but maybe that wasn't possible and now you need a Cleveland lawyer with experience in business litigation and you need him fast. Time, money (and maybe your entire business) could be lost unnecessarily if you decide hastily and hire a firm that is not a good fit for your company. But with so many business litigation attorneys to choose from here in the Cleveland metro area, how do you decide who to hire?


Let's say your company has suffered a huge financial hit because an unscrupulous stockbroker made unauthorized trades or gave bad investment advice that lined his pockets at the expense of yours. You don't want to hire just any Cleveland lawyer you found in the phone book or on the Internet. You need to choose an Ohio securities fraud attorney, or a firm that lists securities fraud as one of its specialties. Or perhaps your business is the victim of an embezzlement or trademark infringement. Choose a firm that has business litigation experience in torts. Remember, Ohio business law is vast so most business litigation attorneys carve out niches for themselves, specializing in certain aspects of it. If you don't need a Cleveland attorney for an immediate problem and you are just trying to find the right firm to hire before a problem arises, take some time to figure out what kinds of problems are the most likely to arise and choose a firm that specializes in these problems. If you aren't able to find enough leads through Internet research or recommendations from friends, the Ohio or Cleveland bar associations may be able to help with a referral.

Narrow it Down

Once you have a list of Cleveland lawyers that specialize in the area of Ohio business law that you need help with, you'll need to look at each firm more closely to make your final pick. First, use your network to see if anyone has had experiences with the lawyers you are considering. Second, if possible, you should set up short interviews with several of your top prospects. Interviews are a great way to learn about the attorney's experience, style, fees and whether the attorney is someone who works well with you. After you conclude your research and interviews, a good way to make the final decision is to make a simple chart. An apples-to-apples comparison will help you make an informed decision. On the chart, list all the firms you are considering. For each firm, you will want to list their hourly rate (if you know it) as well as any pros and cons that came up in your research. After reviewing the information, you should be ready to hire the perfect business litigation attorney.


Even after you've chosen and worked with your attorney, you must not get complacent. As your business evolves, you may have the need for a business litigation attorney with different specialties. Or maybe you just don't feel confident about your chosen attorney's abilities. Every once in a while, it is important to reevaluate your situation to make sure you have the best business litigation attorney for your company

Find all of your Business Litigation needs in one easy step

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