You And Your Child Should Not Have To Suffer Undue Hardship Because Of A Doctor's Negligence


  • Author Arnold Rodrguez
  • Published February 28, 2012
  • Word count 501

The most blessed event in most people's lives is the birth of their children. While most women give birth to a happy, healthy, perfect baby, there are unfortunately women whose infant suffered at the hands of the delivering doctor or nurse, and will suffer for the rest of their lives because of it. Often, birth injuries and defects are caused by a doctor's failure to diagnose or properly treat you and your child before, during and after delivery. There is a multitude of birth injury causes, but if you suspect that your child was injured at any time during the labor and delivery process, it is vital for you to contact a Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney as soon as you can. In this manner, you can have your medical records reviewed by a superb team of medical experts who will be able to determine the actual cause of your child's birth injury. Some very common birth injuries can include a variety of failures on the doctor's part, including diagnosis and treatment of eclampsia, jaundice, meningitis, infection, anticipation of complications and failure to perform genetic testing.

In addition, infants also tragically suffer from brain injuries during birth, caused by hypoxia, trauma from vacuum extraction of forceps, and infection, cerebral palsy and more. The only way to decipher for certain if your infant suffered a brain injury during birth is to retain the services of an experienced Chicago medical malpractice attorney. They will be able to employ additional medical staff to your case and scour through all of the doctor and hospital documents to determine if there were errors that took place. The long-term effects of an infant brain injury are catastrophic and lifelong. Regardless of the reason why the brain injury was caused to your child, a large percentage of those types of injuries could be easily prevented if medical staff were more diligent during the birthing process.

In addition to birthing injuries and preventable defects, another tragedy that many parents must suffer through it is having a stillborn child. In many instances, stillbirths occur because the doctor, nurse or other medical practitioner were not diligent and did not perform their duties as they should have. It is expressly understood that there is no amount of money that can fill the hole in your heart that was left by the loss of your child. However, it is still vital for you to understand your rights and privileges under the law, and explore all remedies that may be available to you following the premature death of your child. There can be innumerable legal implications involved in your child's death, and a knowledgeable Chicago medical malpractice attorney would be able to assist you in exploring the implications and protecting your rights. Regardless of whether you and your child have suffered from a tragic birth injury or catastrophic stillbirth, you are still entitled to seek out compensation for your medical and funeral expenses, both present and future, as well as your sorrow and mental suffering.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney's will be able to help you decipher if your child's birth defect was caused by medical negligence.

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