All you need is a consultancy terms and conditions document?


  • Author Robert Mark
  • Published March 6, 2012
  • Word count 592

In today’s fast moving world, everybody needs some documentation towards his/her amenities and services. Whether you are an individual or run a company, remember one thing. Before going to pay your services to any of the person or a giant company, you have to prepare your legal documents in terms of terms and conditions of your services. The legal documents are very important and necessary to avoid any future mishap and issues. Your documents are your assets and the only source which make you worthwhile and valuable.

Today, we are presenting valuable Consultancy terms and conditions document for individual consultant, self-employed persons of any field and giant consultancy firms.

Amidst your busy day to day schedule, this Consultancy terms and conditions document by Net Lawman will help you and assist you in an easy and simple way. One can use it as a Consultant Terms and Conditions, Consultancy Terms or Consultancy Agreement Terms. You can also apply this Consultancy terms and conditions document on repeat work, single job, paid or hourly work. Whatever is the type, this comprehensive and inclusive Consultancy terms and conditions document is mandatory.

The complete and easy to comprehend Consultancy terms and conditions document is suitable for:

A consultant or self-employed person in any field of life

A business using self-employed people

A client demanding or requiring a contract to set out trading / business terms with a consultant, self-employed person or a consultancy firm

This consultancy terms and conditions document is not for negotiation. It is however a final terms and conditions from your side for the client whether to accept it or leave it. To avoid any queries, issues and mishaps in future you must need some starting points for your relationship with your client or a self-employed person and this consultancy terms and conditions document is all about it. Remember another important thing that both the ATO and industrial tribunal will be permitted to look behind the agreement for the reality of the contract. In this regard, might be they ask some questions of these types:

• Is the contractor only work for me/us or does he works for others too?

• Does the client control the work mode or how the work will be done?

• Are the hours fixed by the client or it will be up to the contractor?

• Does the contractor work on the clients premises, using the client's equipment?

• To what extent is the contractor is at risk as a self-employed person?

• Is self-employment is normal for this kind of work? What is/will be the applications and features?

Above are some of the important questions you have to keep in mind before going to sign any contractor or dealing with a client as per our Consultancy terms and conditions document.

Not only this, this inclusive and exclusive consultancy terms and conditions document will also help you in many ways.

Some of the exclusive features of this Consultancy terms and conditions document by Net Lawman are as follows. These features will provide satisfactory and agreeable conditions to both parties.

• "Over-arching" agreements to be used for multiple assignments

• Consultant to work from home or office

• Flexible to suit the requirements of either or both parties

• Provides a complete framework

• Protects both sides

• Establishes as far as possible a self-employed status

• Reduces the chances for employer obligations to arise

• Contents

• Consultant's obligations

• Consultant's status

• Consultant's fees and expenses

• Duration and termination

• Data protection

• Insurance

• Confidentiality

• Intellectual property

• Appropriate legal provisions - warranties, exclusions, indemnities

• Explanatory guidance notes taking you through, step by step

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