Online DUI Lawyers Offer The Same Extensive Services As Traditional Attorneys


  • Author Andy Maggie
  • Published March 25, 2012
  • Word count 526

In most states, you can be charged for a DUI if your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08% or higher. However, you can be charged for a DUI even if you are not under the influence of alcoholic beverages, you can still be charged with a DUI if you have partaken in any type of drug, or combination of alcohol and drugs which prevents you from operating a vehicle safely. In any case, if you or someone you know has been charged with a DUI, you can now find an Online DUI Lawyer that can defend you against these charges. DUIs are not taken lightly in courts, and the consequences of drunk driving are extraordinary. For this reason, you are going to want to find an online DUI lawyer that has the capacity to aggressively defend you against any DUI charges.

Instead of opting for a traditional DUI lawyer, online DUI lawyers are able to assist you in a variety of ways. First, they will look at the evidence obtained concerning your intoxication, and if it was ascertained legally and properly, often, by immediately challenging the search, seizure and the stop itself, depending on your specific situation. Your online DUI lawyer will be able to take on any questions regarding the proficiency of the officer who arrested you, as well as their conduction of all of the field sobriety tests. Your online DUI lawyer can also attempt to undermine the training as well as the experience of laboratory testing, as well as the accuracy of the test results to help you beat your DUI charges. In addition, an online lawyer can also challenge the credibility of any witnesses, which is often very important in any DUI case.

It is important that you understand that there are two different types of DUI cases, which are criminal and administrative. In administrative proceedings, by law you will be required to go before the DMV and will have your driver's license suspended. Your online DUI lawyer can challenge the DMV as well, and potentially prevent you from having your license suspended. Conversely, criminal court DUI cases often lead to extensive fines and sometimes, jail sentences. Although every DUI is different, the consequences of being charged of a DUI are extraordinary, because the law hands down extremely tough penalties to anyone charged and found guilty of a DUI. For this reason, you need an online DUI lawyer to assist you, as your DUI lawyer will in many cases be able to fight her case successfully, to either garner a not guilty verdict, or reduce your sentence and penalties. You should not attempt to take on a DUI charge by yourself, as your online DUI lawyer is the only one that knows how to take on any and all issues that are associated with being charged with a DUI. Having a DUI charge on your record will not only affect your driver's license, your insurance premiums, and the rest of your life. For this reason, you want to hire an online DUI lawyer as soon as you can, following any DUI charges to help you reach the best possible settlement in your specific case.

Discover the difference that an Online DUI Lawyer and make in your life if you have been charged with a DUI.

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