Judge Sentences Hockey Players Who Made Own Backyard Rink


  • Author Janet Ricks
  • Published March 29, 2012
  • Word count 483

The judge who handled the case of the 21-year old Tony Nelin and 20-year old Timmy Ryan who was caught hooking up a fire hose to a water hydrant on Tinlely Park High School has sentenced the two to 16 hours of community caused service each, along with paying off the water bill which costs $127.44. The two used the water from the hydrant to build a 91 by 43 foot rink on the backyard of their houses.

Apparently, the judge who took their case, understood the reason why the guys commit the offense, but believes that the way they got about it was entirely wrong.

Being a judge or even a lawyer is definitely not an easy task. They are dealing with problems like this and things much worse than this every day. Just thinking about how they can get through a case is something that would take up much of their energy, but apparently, these are not the only things that they do.

Working in law firm does not only mean that all they have to take care of is to think of ways on how to defend or prosecute a person. They also take care of tons of documents and other matters that are related to their cases, like evidences and profiles of their clients. Apart from this they also need to arrange their own schedules, calendar and manage their tasks and a lot more. A lot of work isn’t it?

The good news is, we are living in a highly technologically advanced world, where there are a lot of gadgets and softwares that can be utilized to make tasks easier. There are now a lot of law office management software that could help lift off some of the tasks in a legal management office.

There are law office software that could help law firms and its workers on tasks like fixing their schedule and managing the tasks that they need to finish. This software can help them keep track with the date and the upcoming schedules that they have. Schedules of the members of the team could be easily accessed in the office, making it easy for them to keep in track with each other.

Apart from the help in calendaring events and task management these legal practice management software is also a great help when it comes to documenting files and other important data. This is very helpful tool in a legal management office because there are tons of documents that they need to keep and organize. With the help of advanced software, they could easily access their needed information, saving a lot of their time and energy.

The advancement of technology has definitely made the lives of a lot of people a lot easier, including legal practitioners, now it is just up to them on how they would utilize the brilliant amount of systems that are available for their use.

For more info about Law Office Management Software please visit our site at www.acuitymanagement.com

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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